Hellknight - orginal colors by winddragon24 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I want to do an experiment with the coloring, this one is done by using the original colors of the hellknight of the original doom game, but with some slight changes to his coloring. Not sure if I should right a bio about him at the moment. But yeah this is our monstrous, cruel, mean hellknight...or maybe he wants a hug? Why is he always cruel and mean, did someone ruined his day?

The Hellknight

Origins: Baron family, Hellmoon clan, Bloodhoof clan, Infernorage clan

Weight: 500-700 lbs
Height: 8 to 9 feet tall
Species: Hell Nobel (Hellknight)

Melee: claws, bite, punch, kick, maw, gore
Special Attacks: horns, powerful charge, demonic slash, flaming claws, powerful hoof kick, brutal wrestling, mauling

Type: Fire/Darkness (can be acid, electric or earth type)
Aura: unholy aura

intelligence: 8 out of 10
stamina: 6 out of 10
strength: 9 out of 10
endurance: 7 out of 10
firepower: 8 out of 10
speed: 7 out of 10
defense: 6 out of 10
charisma: 6 out of 10

Immune to electricity, poison and fire, Resist acid

Weakness: Holy items, cross, Holy light, Powerful Holy magic, frost, coldness, ice, water

Brutal Horn rush: The Hellknights relays more on his physical strength then using his firepower, especially in close ranged attacks. When it comes to close ranged attacks the bruiser demon will charged at his foes with his huge horns, and ram right towards him, thrashing his/her body like a rag doll.

Brutal Beating: A Hellknight can easily grab his foe, and repeatably beat the living crap out of him with his his claws, punches and kicks in a deadly combo. As a wrestler fighter, he can easily break any human bones or ripped them to shreds with his claws, and can preformed numerous of fatalities in many ways, if not he can continued to thrashed him/her around like a rag doll, either way the cards do not play in the victim's favor. This is quite similar to Baron of Hell's baleful rage.

Hoof stomp: A hellknight will grab his foe and stomp him on the head, causing his skull and brains to spattered everywhere. Their cloven hoof kicks can break a man's bones, or worse kill him instantly.

Fireballs: The Hellknight can shot up to two fireballs at a time, some times on rare occasions three times. These fireballs can fly in a fast rate, but occasionally it would miss if the foe proved to be too fast for him. They would often trick their foes on coming closer, so they can ripped them apart.

Unity of Brothers: If a hellknight feels like he going to lose, he will call for his brothers to aid him, by making a powerful roar, soo loud that a human has to covered his ears 50 ft away from him. His brother will come to aid him. Hellknights normally fight alone, but they will fight, hunt and kill in groups if needed.

Language: Demonic, Draconian, Inferno

Feats: Cleave, Combat reflexes, Iron will, power attack, Initiative, Power attack, brute strength,

Color scheme: Mainly a brownish tan color skin with dark brown fur on their lower legs, with a red chest and torso. Fur can come in varieties of colors such as a grey, dark grey, black, cinnamon, fawn, tan, brown, light brown, dark brown, copper, oak, maroon and slate. The same goes with skin color but the color on the torso and chest remains the same. (dark green is also another skin color)

Body style: Humanoid Beast like

Fun fact: Just like mountain goats, they can leap from rock to rock in long distances, can run up on mountains steeps, and climb in hidden and safer passage ways no human could ever detect. They can scale a 60 degree incline of sheer rock. Their long claws not just use for ripping and tearing flesh, but good for griping on rugged or solid rock. They are risk takers (sometimes)...and some would even travel in mountain passageway soo dangerous that no humans could ever go through.


Hellknights are lesser versions of Barons of Hell, which arguably they are more civil then Barons of Hell. Compare to Barons, Hellknights are much more diverse, and can be found in most parts of Hell and in the Demon realm. According to Legend, the origins of Hell Nobel all descendents of the Great Demon Lord, one of the most powerful rulers of Hell and most part of the Demon Realm. Over time the family spits apart to different clans and groups, such as the Hellmoon clan, Bloodhoof clan, and the Infernorage clan. As time went on, the Hellknight/baron of hell clans grew in numbers and spread throughout Hell and the Demon Realm. They are Warlike and proud demonic race, Hellknights rarely ally with other demons mostly only with their own kind, Barons of Hell, and in rare occasions Bruiser demons. They live in clans with average of 30 to 50 members, and with only one clan leader.

In their society, they refer to each others as brothers and call their clan leader "Father Baron" or the "Hell Father". Some Hellknights live in clans where there are no barons of Hell, and their leader is known as Father Hellknight, however larger clans such as the Hellmoon clan consistent of both Hellknights and Barons of Hell. Their leader has to be the biggest, cruelest and the most powerful in order to show his dominance to the clan and his followers. If one wishes to challenged the leader for the title, it usually ends with the leader being the winner and the loser being nothing but a bunch of mangled body parts. Just like Hell barons, Hellknights bicker among themselves, however they would sometimes go after neighboring demon clans, such as the Cacodemon clan. Yet time and again, a particularly violent and feared patriarch rises among the hellknights, one capable of gathering multiple brotherhoods and families under his command. When smaller races aren't available to crush between meaty fists or defile in blood-red lusts of violence, they turn to each other for entertainment. Nothing is taboo in Hellknight/Baron of Hell society. One would think that, left to themselves, an Hellknight would quickly tear itself apart, with only the strongest surviving in the end—yet if there is one thing hellknights respect, it is family.

Most Hellknights are loyal to their Clan Leader, and they are willing to follow each of his command. However brutal fights, horn ramming, ramshacked sights, and horrible eating habits is norm to these barbaric demons, which is why the its the Leader's responsibility to maintain order in the clan. Hell Father Hellknight is consider the patriarch of the clan, and are commanders to small demonic army and their own clan. They would make deals and alliance with other clans to work together to fight a common enemy, but this only happen a few times. The Hell father, is the one to impregnate female demons in order to spawn more hideous hellknights, the same goes with Hell Baron leaders. The leader practice polygamy, usually having up to 8 to 12 wives. Sometimes the second most powerful hellknights in the clan can have mates on their own, to produce more demonic spawns for the future of the clan.

As a clan culture, hellknights are naturally violent and aggressive, with the strongest ruling the rest through fear and brutality. War against their brethren cousins are common, mainly attacking other Hellknights or Hell Barons clans to steal their land and food. But when it comes to facing more powerful demon clans and groups, they rather keep their territory then risk losing their clan altogether. Hellknights love to dominate and they take what they want by force, and think nothing of slaughtering other demons and humans when they can get away with it. Female humans are their favorite to take.

Not all Hell barons and hellknights share the same trait, some are perhaps weaker then the other, or they are not as brave as their brothers. Those whom shown traits that are highly disapprove by their leader or do not follow the "way of the clan" are tortured or killed on the spot. Hellknights are immune to fire and will mostly attacked first with their fireballs unless the enemy is much closer to them. Hellknights are known for their brutal violence against their foe, and will not attempted to ripped them to pieces with their massive claws and their deadly bite.

compare the colors with this one winddragon24.deviantart.com/ar… which one is better?