Ryo Prime - tfp by winddragon24 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ryo was abandon by his parents and was left to die on the filthy streets of Kaon. But on one acid rainy day, Sentinel Prime found the little sparkling crying on the cold hard metal streets near a garbage dump. At first, Sentinel Prime was about to abandon the helpless sparkling, but then he felt that he needed a sparkling in his life. He pick up the dirty sparkling and took him to his massive mansion house were he had him cleaned up and cared for. Sentinel Prime decided to raised him all by himself and make him into a warrior, wanting him to follow his corrupted ways. Years later, Ryo grew up spoiled and mean, and was trained in combat by Sentinel Prime whom offered him to join the ranks of the gladiators. Ryo gladly did, believing he will gain fame and glory as a gladiator.

His wish came true, when he fought his way in the arena and quickly became the Champion of Kaon. Ryo has killed tons of gladiators, drones, insecticons, alien gladiators, alien animals and cyber animals all in the name of glory, fame and for the Chaos god Unicron! Ryo would often go to these dark Unicron cult meetings and pray for the evil god to wins his battles in the arena, and to ensure bloodshed to all who oppose him. He would often participate in loud rave parties in the villa square along with the other gladiators. Ryo would either get int fights or drink soo much high grade intill he passed out. Ryo was a cruel, brutal brute that hungered for bloodshed, power, and glory...intill he meet a femme that would become the love of his life.

One day, Ryo was searching for a sacrificed to his god Unicron and found a lone cyber-cat like creature walking through the streets outside of a large building. Just has he was about to stab the creature, a femme stopped him, he looked up to see the most beautiful femme he has ever laid his optics upon. From there he started to have different view on life, as his new lover was showing him the beauty of natural wonders of cybertron, teaching him the ways or Primus, and the good of the world. Ryo's personalty slowly soften and became calm, but mature greatly.

His lover Kai, came to ludus on her first day on the job as a weapon maker. At first the gladiators were going to abused her, but then they were surprised how she acted against them, and told them that not everything is filled with hatred, death and corruption (she had to get them to believe that one way or another). The gladiators were surprised then they then started to open up to her, they told her about their tragic pasts and how they became the slaves they are today. Kai was soo spark broken after hearing their stories that she decided to take care of all of them and act as their mother, which she was later dubbed as Mother Kai. If any gladiator was having emotional or psychical trauma, they would go to her for help, and she would comfort them despite the cruelty form their lanista. Ryo continued on his battles in the arena, the members of the high councils participated in the arena shows and saw how powerful ryo was. They called to ryo to come to Iacon and decided to make him into a Prime, hopefully that he would one day that he would bring a great changed to the corrupted society that brought fear to the civilians and slaves.

Ryo Prime is Transformers Prime oc character that belongs to :icontfp-starfall: