Jasper's Flying Lesson-SKETCHED by Wingsong5555 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I......Honestly don't know what made me sketch this. Heck, I don't know why my Pony OC would actually take flying lessons from Jasper of all ponies, and he's a unicorn! Oh well, hopefully everyone will get a good laugh out of this. Anyway, enjoy!


Panel 1 - Ashley: Uh, Jasper? Are you sure this is such a good idea?
Jasper: But of course! I've seen this work 1,000 times! It's practically all in instincts!

Panel 2 - Ashley: Weeell, if you say so.
Lightning Bliss: Uh, Uncle Jasper? What are you doing?

Panel 3 - Ashley:Alright! Here I go!
Jasper: Juuust helping a poor little Pegasus who's never learned to fly! And she's even made some IMPRESSIVE improvements already.
Lightning Bliss: Really? That's amazing! How'd you get her from 'Branch Hopping' tp Cloud Gliding' so fast?

Panel 4 - *record Scratch*
Jasper: The what to what now?
Lightning Bliss: Wait. You didn't start with the basics? Then how did she get up to that cloud withou-
Ashley: Geronimoooo!!!

Panel 5 - *crash*

Panel 6 - Ashley: O-Owie...
Lightning Bliss:Y'know, maybe next time just find another Pegasus to help her instead of levitating her to the clouds?
Jasper: Uhhhh, hehe! My bad!

Jasper Pie belongs to: :iconjasperpie:

Lightning Bliss belongs to: :iconlightning-bliss: