I'm fine. by WiSeong-Aru on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

WiSeong-Aru on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wiseong-aru/art/I-m-fine-740548220WiSeong-Aru

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WiSeong-Aru's avatar

Published: Apr 15, 2018


Sometimes I like to give proper titles to my drawings ahah, like for this one. I did it in march so it's a bit old, but it's still a good piece of work ! It's a watercolor drawing, I'm still learning to use watercolor but I guess I'm being better at this little by little eheh

Image size

533x960px 45.93 KB

Date Taken

Mar 23, 2018, 5:14:54 PM

atram95's avatar

Your draw is Magnificent!! Congratulation I love it!!