wolfestorm - Professional, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


My thoughts on AI-generated images

Introduction For some time the community has been agitated by the arrival and the massive wave of images generated by Artificial Intelligence. Some are fervent and enthusiastic users and others see it as a danger for artists in general as well as an ethical gap. Many accounts have emerged surfing on this wave while others, sometimes installed for years have chosen to close their doors. Some rejoice, others deplore it. In short, this is a hotly debated topic. As a hobbyist I certainly do not have the constraints of professional artists and I do not need to live from my art. I work in a completely different branch and my income does not depend on my artistic creations and finding clients. Yet, I cannot live without making art at my modest level. It is more for me a personal need, dare we say it spiritual even. I need money to feed me, house me, etc like everyone else but I also need art to feel complete, happy and probably recognized. It is an important aspect of my being. This is