Papara week 2023 Day 4 - True Love... by WolfKIce on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

[Day 1], [Day 2], [Day 3], [Day 4], [Day 5], [Day 6], [Day7]

Loyal Skelly AU by me

Chara still became very sick after eating the buttercups, but she never die.
Instead, she became so weak that she need to constantly absorb healing magic(green magic) to keep her SOUL from breaking.
Dr. Gaster built the machines that maintain her health, and monitor her condition.
And Papyrus was her caretaker.

Gaster 博士製作了能維持她的健康,和觀察她身體狀況的儀器。
而Papyrus 則是她的看護。

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