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Poetry Tips and Submission Advice--Writing Wed.

Happy Wednesday! Today I am writing about poetry. These tips and stories will cover writing, themes, publishing, and submission techniques. When I was a student for my BA in creative writing, I studied a little bit of poetry and I was an editor and reader on the college's Poetry Review. ALSO everything I say about publishing and submitting here can be used for all types of writing--poetry, fiction, creative-nonfiction, etc. Before I begin... I want to touch lightly on how to receive critiques and criticism. Poetry has a lot to do with emotions and strong feelings (sometimes) so this is something that needs to be brought up first. When you create something, you are very attached to it. That's normal! I've sat in many classes where a professor explains how a type or subject of writing should be avoided unless you have something new to say about it. Aka, avoid cliches. Let's say you constantly write in that cliche, it's easy to feel defensive and think everyone is attacking your