[Draconeverse] Dadcord by Wulfumz on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Wulfumz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wulfumz/art/Draconeverse-Dadcord-858706526Wulfumz

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Wulfumz's avatar

Published: Oct 20, 2020


I had this idea in my head after I decided Wulfy and Discord end up having eggs that like. Discord wears a baby harness to carry them around in.

But also he wants to make sure everyone knows thats HIS egg HE is the dad so he dresses like what he imagine a dad would dress like. You know, for emphasis.

Image size

1166x1483px 1.62 MB

Uberviolet's avatar

Awesome! Discord would be a great dad!