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The Idol De Transformacin Masiva

McDuck Manor - The Following Day After The Events of Chapter 1 A sunny afternoon on a peaceful day was going on outside, but inside the air was tense as Webby was pacing herself back and forth, remembering the events that happened with her grandmother and her old friend/partner. But she was not alone, for with her were her two friends, Lena and Violet Saberwing, both of whom were listening to their rather tense friend. "So, Black Heron could be still out there and Beakley ordered you to keep quiet about it." Lena soon reiterated what her friend told her. "Yeah... that's basically it." Webby said. "But we still don't know how she even survived being sent down a LITERAL black hole, or what her end goal is!" "Then, you got to tell them!" Violet informed her friend. "Mr. Scrooge! Della! The guys! They got to know!" "Vi's right," Lena agreed with her sister. "They could be in serious danger!" "I... I know..." Webby said before rubbing her arm. "But I made a promise to granny... After