Xi by WWotS on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Meet Xi. She is my first preset on FeralHeart. :) I made her for :iconinichiu:'s sexy lump of fur known as Myuto. Hope Xi's just as sexy.


Xi (full name is actually Chinese for Hope. Generic, I know, but I couldn't think of anything. I've always wanted a character named Xi, anyway. )



Xi is sort of shy. She is the optimistic kind, one that never accepts defeat. She is also very bold in sharing her opinion among those she knows. Xi is very wary and cautious around enemies or potential threats; she is not at all reckless. She is not very strong and that much she admits, but she makes up for it in her skill in strategic battling. Other than that, though, she does not hold grudges and is reluctant to fight. Xi is also reluctant to eat anything smarter than a fish; she is very sensitive and thoughtful, and hates letting an animal suffer even one bit. She will hardly eat anything that has more than 'eat, sleep, mate' in their thought process, since she believes anything of greater intelligence than that can have final, terrified, tortured thoughts.

Xi is, overall, calm and kind. With a demeanor of calm that rarely wavers, she tends to be the peacemaker in most situations, since she rarely ever lets anger control her actions. She thinks things out. She has a soft spot for cubs and baby animals, especially antelope and rabbits. At one point she had an adopted antelope calf until it wandered off and a lion caught it. This is a display of her strong maternal instinct.

This is Xi.

Xi was born at the very top of the Temple of Dreams; on top of the column where no lion could ever reach.

She was not specifically born there. She was born at the larger pond in Ficho Tunnel, but it was at the Temple of Dreams she opened her eyes for the first time, and had no memory of who she was or where she had been. She awoke in the presence of Icefire, a dragon, who acted as her mother. And this, being a cub, is what Xi accepted. She was raised on the richest milk; the milk from a dragon that is a dragon, but yet at the same time a kind of mammal, also known as a moonlight dragon. The moonlight dragon gave her the name Xiwong, because of her markings, and was nicknamed Xi.

When she was six months old and well off of the milk of Icefire, the dragon took her out of the temple and into a much larger and more frightening world filled with hyenas, wolves, lions, cats, and other dangers. She was taken to the Cape of Distant Worlds, and there they lived from then on, under the great ledge that protrudes from the land. Xi became acquainted with the friendly creatures of the area: horses.

This particular herd was made up of one stallion, and the rest were mares. She learned something peculiar about these animals as she began spending more time with them.

One day, when Xi was but a year old, a pride of lions arrived, a small one. They found the horses and had every plan to eat them. Xi had lunged forward in their defense, but suddenly, the lead stallion, Ghost, charged at the lions. When the stallion leaped, Xi found that the creature that landed on the enemy pride leader was, in fact, a lion. The rest of the large herd soon followed, each of the other horse’s figure morphing smoothly into that of a lioness. The pride fled, and the Akoro Clan remained.

Xi was delighted by her newfound friends, and played with them while they were in lion form often. Icefire explained to them that long ago, her kind granted the clan with immortality and the ability to defend themselves in a truly superior way: by changing into one of the most powerful animals of this land.

When a storm blew into the Cape one day, it didn’t stop. For weeks it raged on, and during that time, when Xi was on the verge of giving up, Icefire told her the origin of her name; told her what the marks on her hindquarters meant. From then on, Xi became extremely optimistic and overly protective of those she loved. After the storm, she found many injured creatures; young rabbits with broken legs; sparrows that were knocked from their nest; a fawn separated from its mother; a swan washed ashore by the driving rain; a beached whale that she and her mother helped out to sea.

Upon reaching the age of sixteen months, she began to journey alone as Icefire grew impossibly old. She bounded across Flourite Plains, leaped through Ficho Tunnel, met others of her kind on Bonfire Island. She became free-spirited. She was always amazed by how large the world was.

Then, one day, she returned, and Icefire was dying.

The next few months were spent in silence for Xi. The once outgoing, adolescent cub became very depressed as she could do nothing to help the moonlight dragon. She brought Icefire food, water, and company. Then, Icefire passed, her body falling into lunar flowers exactly an hour after her death.

Afterwards, Xi became deathly quiet and shy. She found it hard to trust others, found it hard to grow attached to someone, for she was afraid that she would lose them eventually. It was this fear that kept her from venturing any further than the Cape of Distant Worlds. The Akoro Clan helped her, but they could do nothing to cure the young one’s sorrow. Then, a white Shire mare named Blazesoul, who had left before Xi was born, rejoined the clan, and became close to Xi; a feat that no one else had managed since Icefire’s death. Xi was two years old, then.

Xi traveled with Blazesoul, short distances at first, and then as far as she used to. But she did not bound, leap, run, or frolic. She walked silently, absorbed in her thoughts. The lioness began to travel on her own again when she met the pride that had, long ago, tried to attack the Akoro Clan. She recognized them, and they recognized her.

It was then that she learned quickly how to defend herself. She had always been small, but intelligent and strategic. The milk of a moonlight dragon had done nothing for her size and strength, but had made her limber, agile, and flexible. She learned to use this against her opponents, as she was faced with being attacked from all sides. At first, she was helpless to their bullying, but then they became like practice sessions to her until they finally left her alone.

Xi now wanders, having left behind Blazesoul for another companion: solitude.