Fight fight fight by WynBird on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Quick art to go along with the RP where Keaghan is brought into Nokoni!

I'd really like to find a fast, simplified style to use sometimes but I can't quite find a process I'm satisfied with. Just gotta keep experimenting I guess!

Featuring Keaghan & Mal


Mal scoffed, gaze shifting from the pup to the ones tormenting it. Pushing his way to the front of the small crowd, he slunk around to sneer at the raider. "That's all you managed to bring back? Really?" A derisive laugh. "Not even gonna be able show off your scars with pride after this, cause we all know you didn't really earn them."

The raider bristled, tail flagging. The rest of his warband showed varying degrees of teeth as cold eyes fixed on Mal, who had inexplicably chosen the side of the Guardians.

“Didn’t see you out there winning any glory.” Replied the leader as he stepped forward. “A cub’s a cub, anyway.”

Bristling a little, Mal showed no sign of backing down from the challenge. The air of causal scorn lingered. "I mean, you started out as a scrawny good-for-nothing, and just look where you are now. Maybe it'll grow up to disappoint its mate someday, too."

The raider’s wife crowed with amusement, earning another inch of risen fur along his back. And Nokoni teeth were never just for show.