Aezae's Tales Chapter 9 Page 98 by Xael-The-Artist on DeviantArt (original) (raw)



Cover: Aezae's Tales

First page: Aezae's Tales Chapter 1 Redo Page 1

Last page:

Aezae's Tales Chapter 9 Page 97

Back cover:

Aezae's Tales Chapter 9 Back-Cover



HERE. IT. IS!!!!


I do want to answer some questions that might show up once you see this page.

'I feel this chapter ending was rushed and abrupt'

Yes, to an extent it is.

I've been suffering through a lot of artist burnout when it comes to this chapter in specific, it was originally planned to be over around a year ago but many things happened.

Two years ago I joined an art diplomat where my skills were getting tested each week, for 6 months I was able to balance comic work/Commissions/school work at the same time.

Chapter 9 was the first time I began to work using a word document for the writing instead of having it done in the fly each page, which did make things slower but more consistent in terms of writing.

On top of that I did ask a friend of mine to be a dedicated 'Editor' for me to polish my ideas further... but of course that also meant having to slow down my art process even further, not really a bad thing but just a natural consequence of having more people involved in this.

Everything went smoothly until I hit the Page 60 mark, I was getting exhausted from drawing so much without having free time. Having to do homework and commissions at the same time, and then having to keep the promise of 2 comic pages per week while balancing life.

I like to be on a hot streak when doing comic pages back to back, so the sudden 'stop and go' moments between scenes and waiting for everything to be "okay" to draw killed a lot of my motivation, it left me frustrated and angry at myself.

Originally the chapter was meant to be over at around Pages 50-60 but I was told to 'Do the chapters as long as it has to be' and thus kept going, but it was too much stress. It was not fun.

And, originally this Chapter would've easily gone past 100 pages but for my own sanity I had to finish it now. Besides, everything that was meant to be drawn will be done anyways.

'You could've just kept going on a Hiatus and recharge your batteries'

That's not how I like to do things, I am able to put myself on break and not draw anything, but long periods of time not doing a comic kills me, it hurt me the most to admit I couldn't draw due to being exhausted and having too much work.

Ending Chapters at pages 30-40 is meant to be giving myself a break and a moment to breathe and relax, and also having more excuses to draw more Chapter covers.

I nearly quit this comic 4 times with this Chapter.

I only kept going forward by sheer willpower and not wanting to be a quitter. And for everybody who loves to read this and want to know more about this world and it's characters.

The burnout was born from too much work and wanting to tell more about my story but not being able to do so yet.

You all are the reason I am still here.

I remember the burden and frustration when I cancelled Soul Destructor Team back at around 2018, the one that was the most sad about it was myself. I told myself to not let that repeat ever again.

'Your style changed a lot between sections of the comic'

As an artist, you naturally get better and your artworks begin to change to, Page 1 is really different to Page 98 and you can see the progression of time.

I did want to add more things into the mix with how I draw the comic but for the sake of consistency I kept everything around the same so the whiplash from seeing comic pages change art styles abruptly didn't happen.

My process in my art evolved which definitely shows in Pages 60 to 90.

It was hard to make Pages 68 and forward from what I mentioned earlier, but now that it is over I can rethink my approach for future chapters, art style included.

'What's next for the comic?'

For starters, expect a really different format to what you're used to, the art style might change a lot but that is something I will see in my work desk.

As for the story, I will rethink everything that I had planned and refresh my memory, I need to see where I am and where everything will go, that includes premise, themes and even characters.

Nothing is set in stone in my head and I will be cooking a lot in the next days and even weeks. I want to have fun doing this comic again.

And once I have fun, you will be able to tell by how I draw.

And, for everybody who has stuck with me all these years reading this comic, thank you so much.

There's more Aezae's Tales to be explored, and I am eager to know what the future holds... because I don't even know it myself.


Want to see more pages and content in the future? Feel free to support me over my Ko-fi and Patreon!!