Bosie -Cold Mountain- by xanykaos on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Right, ah...this would be the albino guy from Cold Mountain. Why? Because he was my favorite character. Alright, because aside from Ruby and her dad, he was the only one worth watching when he got some screentime. There's something about skipping and humming while your torturing somebody that I just find...well, adorable is too strong a word, but funny works. No, not in real-life, dangit. But as a scene it was like "...That character's nuts!"

I also liked what I read about how they developed his character. All they knew from the book was that he was a young, pale guy. The director wanted to spice his character up by adding in the backflips and all, but then they were like "well, if he's so fit, why isn't he in the war?" and he had Charlie Hunnman research albinos and they were like "okay, this could work."

Dunno...just found it intrestin.

He's hard to draw since his eyes, hair, and beard are just too pale to look right in a black-and-white. The two hatless ones would be him being told he's not fit for service. Awww...he wants ta kill sumthin'.
Bottom one's from a little fic I was working on. No, it does not involve the pyschopath getting reformed by the love of a good woman or any tripe like that (already done that with my Toad!fic). It's about the psychopath being a psychopath and what made him that way so there. :p.

...why can't I just like characters I don't feel the need to defend?