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An Outlandish Adventure

Simba, Prince of the Pride Lands, lounged on Pride Rock one warm morning. Suddenly, he was tackled and pinned down by a spunky lioness cub with sandy fur and sharp blue eyes. “Pinned ya!” She grinned. Simba laughed and shoved her off. “No fair, Nala! I wasn’t ready!” Simba’s best friend laughed. “Even if you were, I’d still pin ya.” “Oh, yeah?” Simba pounced on Nala, causing the two to roll down the precipice of Pride Rock, laughing. At the base, Nala easily overpowered Simba and forced him to the ground. “Pinned ya again.” She teased. Simba rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright, point made.” Nala let the golden-furred prince rise to his paws. “So, where were you this morning?” Simba smiled. “Dad showed Bakari and me the whole kingdom.” “Even the Outlands? My mom says that’s hyena territory and that you can only go if invited.” Nala said. Simba nodded. “Dad and Uncle Taka said that too,” he grinned. “But the prince of the Pride Lands goes where he likes. Wanna come with?” Nala raised an eyebrow and smiled. “We could get into so much trouble.” “I know,” Simba replied. — The two young lions made their way to the northern borders of the Pride Lands. Just beyond them, veiled in the shadows of a great canyon with a cavern entrance, lay the Outlands. “It doesn’t look too scary. C’mon.” Simba prompted. Nala followed him hesitantly. “Y’know, this seemed like a good idea at first… but I’m realizing that this could be dangerous.” “Danger?” Simba scoffed. “I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger. HAHAHAHA!” As if summoned by his bravado, three hyenas cackled as they appeared from the shadows, two males and a female. “Well, well, Bonzai, what have we here?” The female asked. “Hmm, I don’t know, Shenzi. What do you think, Ed?” Asked one of the males. The other male, Ed, cackled. “Just what I was thinking. A couple of trespassers!” Bonzai snapped. Simba stood tall. “You won't do anything to us. My Uncle Taka says you hyenas aren’t a threat.” “Taka? Oh, you mean that loser, Scar?” Shenzi cackled. “Kid, I’m the one who scratched him. The other hyenas may want to live in peace with you stupid lions, but they’re all a bunch of suckers.” Nala took a step back, shaking. “Simba, we should go…” “Hey, hey, what’s the hurry? We’d love for you to stick around for dinner.” Shenzi grinned, cutting off the lions’ escape route. “Yeah, we could have whatever’s…Lion around!” Bonzai laughed. Simba growled and stood protectively in front of Nala, letting out a feeble roar. The hyenas laughed. “That was it?” Shenzi teased. “Do it again, come on.” At that moment, a fierce howl ripped through the wind. The hyenas looked confused for half a second until Bakari, Simba’s adopted cousin, leaped out of the shadows high above and tackled the hyenas, snapping his jaws and snarling as he pinned the hyenas to the floor. “Hey, hey, cool it! What’s your issue?” Shenzi asked. “Shut it!” the golden-furred wolf barked. “Cool, cool, shutting up right now!” Bonzai said, shaking. “If you ever come near my cousin again, in the Outlands or otherwise…” Bakari snarled, his sharp claws gently pressing on the hyenas’ throats. “That is enough, young wolf,” a grizzled old hyena walked out of the shadowed cavern ahead, flanked by half a dozen younger hyenas, one of whom looked to be around Simba’s age. Ed stopped incessantly cackling and gulped.  Shenzi groaned. “Great. It’s the oh-so-enlightened Elder Bhekizizwe.” Bakari backed off but still stood protectively in front of his friends. “Elder, I know my friends and I have violated the peace between our lands…” Bhekizizwe held up a paw. “You are not faulted, Bakari, Son of Taka. You are simply protecting your own. As I would have done,” he eyed the three hyenas. “So, you three truly do cling to the old ways. You risk war with the lions. Unacceptable. You will be punished.” Shenzi, Bonzai, and Ed were escorted through the cavern by a few of the others in their pack.  Bakari regarded Bhekizizwe. “Elder, how is it you know my name?” He asked. The old hyena smiled warmly. “It was I who found you and gave you to Taka, boy. You are welcome in the Outlands, should you ever wish to visit with your father’s permission,” his good nature faded as he eyed Simba and Nala, who cowered behind Bakari. “They, however, do not have that luxury.” Bakari bowed his head. “Elder, please, let me escort them home. They did something stupid. I promise they won’t do it again.” The hyena cub regarded the elder with wide Amethyst eyes. “Grandfather, please, don’t risk Mufasa’s anger over a stupid cub’s mistake.” “Hey!” Simba protested. “Simba….” Bakari warned.  Bhekizizwe looked at his cub and nuzzled her affectionately. “You have a good heart, Amara. I have taught you well,” he looked at Bakari. “You may go unharmed. Give your father and your king my regards. Sincerely.” Bakari nodded. “Thank you, Elder.” Bhekizizwe smiled. “Please, Bakari, you may call me Grandfather. Taka and I are old friends.” Amara beamed as she raced over to Bakari and nuzzled his cheek. “You’re part of the pack.” A surge of jealousy surged through Nala. Bakari smiled back. “I'm honored. And we are indebted.” — “Bakari…” Simba looked at his cousin as the trio crossed back into the Pride Lands. “Don't talk to me. You are in so much trouble,” Baksri snarled. “If Zazu hadn't spotted you crossing the border…” Simba tried to swallow the lump in his throat. “I…I just…” but his excuse died in his throat as Mufasa and Taka approached, Zazu on the latter’s shoulder. “Zazu, take Nala home,” Mufasa said sternly. Zazu nodded and flew over to the cubs. “Come, Nala.” Nala nudged Simba’s shoulder before following Zazu. Taka regarded his son. “Bakari, report.” Bakari nodded. “Three hyenas threatened Simba and Nala. They seem to still cling to old ideologies,” he looked at Mufasa. “I suppose you were right to be wary, Sire.” “What happened next?” Mufasa asked. “The Elder Bhekizizwe and some of his clan arrived and took charge of the three troublemakers,” Bakari allowed a thin smile as he looked back to his father. “He sends both of you his regards.” Mufasa looked at his brother. “Taka, it seems you were right to broker the peace between the lands. I apologize for my skepticism.” Taka laughed. “Well, as we both know, brother, when it comes to brains, I got the lion’s share,” he regarded Bakari. “Come, son. There’s nothing more you or I can do for today.” The two made their way home. Simba looked up at his father with fear. “Simba, I'm very disappointed in you. You deliberately disobeyed me, you put Nala in danger, and you could have started a war.” Mufasa didn't yell, but his words made Simba flinch. “I…I just…wanted to try and be brave, like you.” Mufasa sighed. “I’m only brave when I have to be. And that doesn't mean looking for trouble.” “But, Dad… everyone respects you.” Simba countered. “Only those whose respect I’ve earned,” Mufasa replied. “Respect that is not earned is only fear. And no leader should rule by fear. Or be ruled by it.” “But you’re not scared of anything!” Simba argued. “I was today. I feared losing my son. I would have charged into the Outlands and torn apart those hyenas to protect you. And that would only make things worse. Taka calmed me down and convinced me to send Bakari after you.” Mufasa revealed. “Oh… I guess even kings get scared.” Simba said. “Mhmm,” Mufasa pulled his son close. “You are more than the future king, Simba. You are my son. To lose you would be terrible.” Simba nuzzled against his father. “I’m sorry, Dad. I won't disobey you again.” “Oh, Simba,” Mufasa chuckled. “A king doesn't make promises he can’t keep.”