summer by xiaodynasty on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

xiaodynasty on DeviantArt

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xiaodynasty's avatar

Published: Apr 11, 2020

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1716x2264px 733.29 KB

Btrapp's avatar

OMG, I loved this show! I was kinda sad when it ended. She went on some pretty cool adventures, and some got a little dark ngl but she got through! It was a little bit more lifelike than some of these other fantasy shows in the sense that her interactions with other characters were real, she argued with close friends (or rather them with her) and they were separated for a while. But she always stuck to her innocent, helping self. She got the reputation for a trouble maker when really animals and creatures were messing with her and she was the only one who knew they were real because the lived in the country and interacted with them. Hilda is my role model.

ANYWAY, I really love this picture dude. I've been looking at it for like 5 minutes now