Antonio, Duke of Instruments by XombieJunky on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Seriously, don't mind me. I'm just enjoying my dark little corner, alone~ UvU


Name: Antonio Keys
Nickname(s): Tony, Keys
Age: 17
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 114Lbs
Species: Keyboard Humanoid
Occupation: Duke of Instruments
Favorite color(s): Red
Likes: Music(duh), Dancing, Galas, Entertaining
Dislikes: Quiet, Technical Difficulties
Relationship Status: Single
Love Interest: N/A
Orientation: Unknown, his friends say they can't tell. Nor could they imagine him with someone.
Additional Information: Tony is the Keyboard player, or rather just THE keyboard, in Elena's band. For the one person who guessed, yes, Xander is the violinist. Tony is the youngest member, and definitely acts like it too. He's a fun-loving, giggly young lad. But, when he has to be, he can be quite elegant. His father is a grand piano humanoid. He's classical in his views on the world, unlike his new age Keyboard son. Tony's mother is more on the technical side, thus she can relate to Tony more. Tony's scarf is linked to his bio-technic brain, and reacts to his thoughts as such. He plays the notes he wants simply by pressing the keys he sees. He's both classically, and modernly trained in piano playing, so he has quite the range of sound to go for him. He has very curly hair that he refuses to cut or tame. He's happy the way it is. He isn't always dressed in such uppity clothes, though. In fact, he prefers casual clothing. He does, however, always keep the scarf and gloves on.


I decided to post him up by himself. I quite enjoyed drawing him. Feedback would be nice. Pfff