Bunny Poo - Kiriban Prize by xXScarletButterflyXx on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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xXScarletButterflyXx on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xxscarletbutterflyxx/art/Bunny-Poo-Kiriban-Prize-195277535xXScarletButterflyXx

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xXScarletButterflyXx's avatar

Published: Jan 29, 2011


*Kiss-the-Iconist won my last kiriban and she asked for a pink poo with bunny ears. XD
I hope you like it. Never thought I would do a poo with bunny ears so thank you for the opportunity.



For *Kiss-the-Iconist's use only. Please do not steal design or anything else.

BlizzardIceFox's avatar

LOL......buneh poo.........💩