Cheese Stamp by xXScarletButterflyXx on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

xXScarletButterflyXx's avatar

Published: May 7, 2010


Inspired by ~Young-Apple and Stephen Fry for some reason.
For some reason ~Young-Apple has an obsession about cheese and adds it in almost everything he does at school.
The Stephen Fry part of my inspiration is the quote. He said in an episode of QI that cheese is really just milk gone off big time stiley.
It's a great name for cheese. He should work for the British Cheese Board. Thought I don't know if they'll want him after the times he's made fun of them.
If they wont have him I will. <3

Considering making an icon out of just the cheese. Good idea?

Hope you like it at least. ^-^



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