Clothes Mean Nothing by XxThatCreepyGirlxX on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

DISCLAIMER: I am most certainly not talking about looking decent or appropriate. I am talking about wearing clothes such as what you would find on THIS website. *shudders* [link]

If you want to dress this way because you honestly like to and not because you feel like you have to, then I'll leave you alone and not bother you about it.

One thing I never understood is why some people think that girls have to cover up absolutely everything to be good people, and if they don't, they are automatically deemed as sluts, even if they didn't do anything wrong.

I personally don't like to dress this way. I'm not trying to show off anything or attract attention and I don't dress like Snooki (ughhh) or Ke$ha, but I do wear, God forbid, short shorts and tank tops and miniskirts. I really don't think this should be such a big deal but since I live in the South, people tend to have a crazy obsession with what they call "morals" and many of them will quickly judge you by what you look like.

Once again, I don't wear tank tops or short shorts orshort skirts because I'm a slut. I do it because I don't feel like I have to hide in my clothes and besides, it gets HOT where I live and I see no reason to walk around in a floor-length jean skirt and turtleneck when it's 105 degrees outside! I really don't feel confident dressing like a sack of potatos and I feel like it would send the wrong message about what I am. I'm not sheltered, naiive, shy, or extremely religious so why should I look like I am?

What really bothers me is when women, even women who call themselves feminists, assume that any girl who shows just the slightest amount of skin is a whore and is only dressing like that to please men. True feminism is about NOT forcing girls to look a certain way. I'm not saying that you should dress like a stripper when meeting your boyfriend's parents or to a funeral. I just wish that a girl could be allowed to wear high heels or short shorts without people screaming "SLUT!!!" in her direction. Feminism is about not forcing women to be a certain way, right?

I don't dress to make other people happy or to satisfy their stupid emotional needs. I don't dress to please men either (I already have a boyfriend so why should I anyway?!). I wear whatever I want to as long as it's appropriate for the time and place and if someone is upset because I'm not hiding under layers of fabric, then they don't have to look at me or talk to me! It's not that hard!

I really needed to get this off my chest, since it's been bugging me for quite some time. I'm gonna sign off for now since I kind of have a life I need to get back too. I'll be back later! ^_^

Stamp base used for this and all other stamps can be found here [link]§ion=&q=large+stamp+base#/d12ro3j