Disney gen UB 4 by XxXNightcoreQueenXxX on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

XxXNightcoreQueenXxX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xxxnightcorequeenxxx/art/Disney-gen-UB-4-605957044XxXNightcoreQueenXxX

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XxXNightcoreQueenXxX's avatar

Published: Apr 29, 2016


i do not own some of the characters Disney dose.
some dresses may have been altered or re sized.
the story behind this is that the girls were taken by the original Disney story and wanted to have something to remind them of that, with them all the time. so they either inherited the dresses (and made maybe some alterations) or made copies of dresses from the original tail.
the also agreed that there sound be no one wearing the same dress at the same time something that snowballed in to every girl picking a different dress down the line.

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3504x2496px 1.76 MB

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