Blood duel by yainedraws on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

yainedraws on DeviantArt

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yainedraws's avatar

Published: Mar 3, 2018



Lotor just became one of my top favorites. I love all of them, but he’s too good. (●´ω`●)ゞ

This was my first time doing a screencap redraw! I loved this scene too much, couldn’t not do it o(≧∇≦o)

Mei by yainedraws Keith by yainedraws Klancemas by yainedraws Team Voltron RPG by yainedraws Allura by yainedraws

Image size

3626x2241px 4.25 MB

Dragondog5600's avatar

So is that light reflecting off his eyes or is he crying?