Vinirmastica wikimap by Yalen-the-untaggable on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

My world of Vinirmastica edited to fit with the Wikimedia map types!
Still no South pole, so sorry! I'm definitely planning to add one though. Besides a lack of an equivalent for Georgia and Armenia, this is basically all my map is missing.

This is gonna help a lot with wiki page building; I plan this for a more interactive approach of countries and more dense information gathering.

Edit #1: I changed Yvateguay for the more pleasing name of GualeguaychĂș.
Edit #2: I added Wakusecherio and finally filled the last plot of land left in the map with Nisania, the (lose) equivalent of Georgia.
Edit #3: Added Asenoia Island, will talk more about it when I get a more solid idea of why I need it in the map lol
Edit #4: Changed the Mahpiazi Confederacy for the Chiefdom of Wanichoque, a much cooler and more native vibes name.
Edit #5: Changed Shibanistan for Hotak dynasty (Hotakistan)
Edit #6: Changed the letters of Ackacqua and Atlatonia, looked weird and it now looks more incorporated to the rest of the typography.
Edit #7: Rearranged the Honacker-Atlatonian border for it to look sexier and more concise; renamed Eiginland to the much mor pleasing Orcadia. Atlatonian states and Ackacquan Prefectures are now visible.
Edit #8: I messed up last time with some layers, fixed. Also Kioni is now Narok.

Also expect a South pole map.