Palkia by yoshitaka on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I made one more picture for the PKDex over at Pkaki. As far as I know, no one's done a proper picture of Palkia there. So I took up the challenge of drawing a legendary I was always avoiding for some reason. I curse the perverts there though. When I was drawing Palkia's head, I felt like I was drawing a penis.... Yeah, it's disturbing. I was trying to avoid the thought of it. I blame those at Pkaki for it.

Palkia © Pokemon/ Nintendo/ GameFreak
art © me
drawn at Pkaki doodlekaki in chibi paint in 1 hour and 37 minutes

EDIT: So on the oekaki, I swear this person who uses the name Rubyflower has something against me. This is the second time she's bitched at me. Not my fault that I never saw her picture of Palkia. Seriously. She needs to get over herself. She's blaming school. She could've at least bumped the picture up a couple times and then I would've see it. But nope. She assumes that everyone knows. The bitch. I seriously hate her.