Seishiro Sketch Dump by YoukaiYume on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

YoukaiYume's avatar

Published: Aug 26, 2010


SessKag fanbabies. (Sesshomaru/Kagome) If they ever had kids or pups or whatever. Sketch dump!

Some people asked for a little bit about these characters so here's Seishiro Taisho:

Youngest of three siblings. Serious and withdrawn. Proud of his being a hanyou, and hates to disguise himself as a human when going to school. Likes to focus on academia rather than physical education. Prefers to just hide his ears underneath a beanie or hat rather than use a full body glamour. Has a soft spot for cute things, and gets easily flustered when he is caught being sweet. Looks up to his father a great deal. Hates spicy food and overly talkative people. Skilled with a sword but prefers a bow and arrows in weapon choice.

Someone told me that Seishiro is Moe. lol. Is he really?

More fanbabies:

Quick profile on his other siblings:

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