YourLoveForArt | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Group Info


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Welcome to YourLoveForArt! :dummy:

We are a group dedicated to art of all media.

You are welcome to join us and submit your deviations! Join requests are automatically accepted. :heart:

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send us a Note or leave us a profile comment. :thumbsup:

Thank you for your visit! Have a good day! :wave: 🌹

Hello, members of @YourLoveForArt. :wave: As I have announced in my previous journal on April 17th 2023, submissions to the Gallery of this group have closed today, May 1st 2023. I want to thank each one of you who made and make @YourLoveForArt a warm and beautiful group. :heart: Submissions may re-open in the future, but this is not certain. So, for now, they are closed until further notice. Be sure to check out our Affiliates in our front page; you will find new groups in which you can share your art there. :heart: Thank you, once again. 🙏 Keep smiling, and keep creating! :heart: :dummy: ~ Sophia ♡

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