Power-Giant: The Kryptonian Giganta by YourMaskedDitto on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

After pondering over the possibilities, the great giantess beyond infinity made a simple gesture with her free hand to will yet another one of her ideas into being as a new universe took shape right in her palm.

“I know I already made my decision, but this outfit was just too cute to not use… I might as well treat myself a little bit.~ ”


Doris Zu-El was born on the ill-fated planet Krypton to a loving family of brilliant scientists. Shortly after the girl’s birth, tragedy befell her homeworld as an instability in the planet’s core had begun to cause great cataclysms all across Krypton’s surface. The world was slowly but surely going to break apart and so in an effort to preserve their race and save their only child, Doris’s parents placed her in an extremely advanced prototype spacecraft that could fly her away to safety. This vessel was known as the Greater Intelligence Gathering And New Transport Astro-craft (abbreviated as G.I.G.A.N.T.A.), and had been designed to be a cutting edge research ship that could help Kryptonian scientists embark on long solo-expeditions throughout the cosmos. It was equipped with self-sustaining life support and repair systems, a massive databank capable of housing centuries worth of research information and data, a realistic holographic virtual reality deck, and an artificial intelligence capable of operating every aspect of the ship.

When her parent’s sent the infant Doris away, they made sure to upload a complete history of Krypton onto the ship’s files as well as give the ship’s AI instructions to look after and care for the girl till she was able to take care of herself. And thankfully all of their preparations paid off as the child would grow up safely during her many early years adrift in space. It was only once Doris became of age that her and the ship G.I.G.A.N.T.A. would face a crisis of their own. The ship ended up getting caught in a one in a million assortment of wild cosmic energies and space rays that completely shut down the ship and bombarded the red-haired woman with said energies. These forces ended up transforming Doris’s body by altering aspects of her Kryptonian DNA as her sun/starlight absorbing cellular structure was kicked into overdrive. Minutes after of the exposure, the busty beauty found herself mysteriously growing larger and larger while stuck inside of the still idol ship.

Rather than risk potentially suffocating in space if she outgrew the interior, Doris managed to reroute what little emergency power there was into the ship’s controls and managed to crash land on a nearby uninhabited world. Once there, the presence of the world’s yellow sun in conjunction with her still developing condition caused the woman to swell into a towering giantess. While initially in a panic over whole the situation, once Doris began to focus inward she found herself feeling stronger and eventually gained control over her constantly increasing size. Now the size of a small mountain, Doris took her first (albeit massive) steps on another world for the first time and leapt up with joy as she had never been anywhere other than in the holo-chamber. Funnily enough though, this leap put her right back into space as the combination of her new size and strangely amplified might let the woman easily escape the atmosphere where she found little need to worry about having air.

Now feeling inquisitive, the giant woman began to test out her newfound physicality, not only discovering her apparent ability to fly, but also a plethora of other powers too. She spent hours on end traversing the empty planet without a care in the world as she continued to discover new and exciting things about her body. Eventually, she even learned how to change her size too. Of course there was a bit of a snag in that regard as the woman found she could no longer return to being below 10ft tall, but it ultimately didn’t bother her. From there Doris decided to remain on the world for a time in order to keep training with her powers as sunlight alone was apparently all she needed to survive now.

Once she had mastered her abilities, Doris was at last ready to set out into the wild expanse of space to find other life and see what the universe had to offer. Not everyone or everything she encountered was friendly and she wound up getting into a number of fights but there wasn’t really anything she couldn’t handle. Even if her species natural weakness Kryptonite was involved. Her ability to grow larger kept her plenty strong and was totally independent of her other powers.

Eventually however rumors of a mysterious and powerful size-changing giant flying across the stars reached the super powered ears of a certain other Kryptonian who was living on the planet Earth, causing them to seek out this unknown figure. After flying out into deep space and meeting face to face, Doris was surprised to be greeted by herlittlecousin Kal-El (better known to the people of Earth as Superman/Clark Kent) as he had miraculously also survived the death of their homeworld thanks to his own parent’s efforts. The two then proceeded to spend hours trading back and forth the stories of their lives before Kal finally offered Doris the opportunity to come stay with him on the new planet he called home. To which of course, she accepted gladly.

“Hey Kal- Er… Superman. You don’t need to worry about looking after Metropolis today. Just let your BIG cousin take care of things for ya! I’ve always liked looking out for the little guy so it’s no trouble. Honest. Don’t worry people of Earth, Power-Giant is here to take care of you all! And I’ll look great while doing it too.~”

Superman was later seen having a talk with the newly debuting superhero, Power-Giant, asking her to not grow so large without needing to… And later still he had to ask his friends in the Justice League on what would be the best way to give a secret identity to a size changing woman who is 10ft tall at her smallest…

And so here it is at last, (a) Giganta in Power Girl’s outfit!… Hey wait a minute… Halloween was yesterday and the Zatanna-Giganta image was already revealed. What gives?

That’s exactly right, I did show off a little something like this yesterday and you should all consider yourselves properly tricked! WEHHEEHEHEHHEHE!

It was always my master plan to have both final outfits for Giganta get images this time around. The reason I needed votes was to see who would be the bigger of the two in their respective commissions. So yes, I dropped a tricky seasonal treat on y’all. You’re welcome. >: )

In all seriousness though I’m glad to have all of the interaction with those polls. I wouldn’t be anywhere without y’all so thanks for all of the support. I’m over 1.5k watcher now (even if this website is still crashing and burning) and I do promise that I’ll eventually do something to celebrate… eventually… My school and work schedule is still hell…

Other than that, that’s it. Just like the Zatanna one this story was already outlined and I just built on it a little. Nothing special. The naming was super straightforward too. Just a silly little Giganta acronym for the sake of referencing it and combining the last names of Zuel (Giganta) with Zor-El (Power Girl/Super Girl), which is a very convenient fit I must say. Final thanks goes out to kerifik for doing this wonderful little commission for me and I’ll see y’all at the next one.