Authoritarian Democracy by YsatNafon on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Literature[EEUSG] Reichskommissariat MoskowienJusowka is an ugly city. Razed to the ground during what this world calls the Liberation War Against International Judeo-Bolshevism, it was rebuilt in the image of its conquerors. Massive concrete buildings with crumbling murals depicting the glories of the Aryan race; wide streets that connected to the Eurasian stretch of the Autobahn, with entire lanes deserted and now the site of stalls hawking wares from beets to gas mask filters. Children in rags played "war" with broken - at least I hoped - pistols and rifles. Looking through the foggy windows of my pre-war Volkswagen, it was difficult to imagine that Jusowka was the most developed huma