EA: Teru by yulcinoa on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:icontonystarkplz::iconmagi8plz: timely noodle update

◆ b a s i c i n f o r m a t i o n

Name: Teru (照)
Age: 182 (19)
Gender: Female
Species: Empyreal | River Spirit (Dragon)
Height/Weight: 5'7" | 126lb
Birthday: Winter 9th

◆ p e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n

Occupation: Florist Assistant


well-mannered - peaceful - self-sufficient - caring - loyal - respectful - humble
awkward - contained - wary - no-nonsense - judgemental - lonely - insecure

"I have long waited to see you again."

Existing in (spiritual) seclusion has made Teru more comfortable observing from afar, but in a social setting she's learned to be a little more forthcoming. While she can be shy, she is not arrogant when meeting new faces.

Her expressions are reserved and tranquil but Teru is surprisingly personable with others. Otherwise she looks, and is, quiet.

Teru tends to keep to herself despite wanting to make friends; she can be perturbed by overly chummy behaviour and quickly backs away when she thinks someone's offended. She has difficulty conveying expression on a personal level, though more transparent than she thinks -- conversely she has no problems approaching people about practical or working matters. She respects authority well.

She keeps a level head in stressful situations but has a habit of second-guessing herself -- Teru doesn't believe her instinct is reliable and is better at following the lead of others. Having once been respected and revered (to being hated), her confidence and self-esteem is on the poor side. It's difficult for her to ask for help after years of isolation and independence but slowly, she's learning to rely on others. Knowing she has a lot more to learn about the world, Teru tries always to humble herself in the face of new experiences.

Ordinarily she won't stand up for herself but will show a courageous face for others.

◆ b i o g r a p h y

Teru was born in a land of long winters, the guardian river spirit of a small, isolated farming village situated near the widest part of her river. As a small river Teru was neither powerful nor influential but the people of the village loved her nonetheless, always praying to the riverside shrine. Even though she simply watched over them, Teru was satisfied and spent many months of the year in dormancy.

The maeros' evil influence consumed her village while she slept, slow and insidious. Bad luck had fallen on residents when the warmer seasons arrived - villagers succumbed to illness, crop harvests began to fail, and trade was struggling. Unsure of what she could do to help their desperate prayers, Teru took physical form in order to help them. But evil was not so easily eliminated.

Chaos fell at last at the death of a child, the son of the village chief. A kind but lazy aevumis boy, he would often come to the riverside (just for leisure) but was tragically bitten by a snake and killed. In his last moments he was found by Teru, who cradled him in her arms as he passed away. But a villager who saw her - the shape of the river's spirit - holding the boy's still body began to scream slander. Evil, corrupted spirit!

We prayed, begged and sacrificed everything, but she's forsaken us!

Believing their guardian had turned evil, the village grew frantic. Attempts were made at exorcising her, at damming the river, even at drying her out to kill the "evil". Calamity ensued when the village succumbed to a wildfire and burned, the surrounding farmland ruined. Many villagers died and the river almost lost, leaving Teru with threadbare strength left.

She took form and fled.

When she arrived in Empyrean Aevum, she had weakened considerably. Her territory was lost and her powers had dwindled. She has since found safety and support here, with fellows of her kind. However even afterwards the betrayal of her village continues to haunt her -- sometimes struck with a suffocating heat much like a human fever, reminiscent of the wildfire that ruined her homeland. Thinking of it as retribution, Teru wants to atone by helping to protect the world from Maerosha's evil deeds.

◆ b a t t l e i n f o r m a t i o n

Bond: Oliver
Power: Water Manipulation [+ Cleansing]

Rank: II

◆ m i s c e l l a n e o u s

Likes: bodies of water, large fields and farmland, gentle prayer, swimming, cute things
Dislikes: harming others, small spaces, the coldness of chilly teru hands, open flame
Voice: Saori Hayami (Shinoa) (Shirayuki)

- When she's asleep she's very, very still.
- Her hands are cold and her face is very warm! She always looks a little flushed but her hands always feel like snow day hands.
- Her control of her power is on the uncertain side -- if she sneezes while holding a cup of tea, it may freeze over accidentally.
- She can also cool drinks, and dry your laundry.

◆ u s e r i n f o r m a t i o n

RP Information: GMT+12 [docs/discord are my usual pick, HC or RP of any sort are all ok! If you would like to use a different platform, just let me know and I will try it!]
Discord: Y
Other Submissions: ---

just teroo being soggy thanks for viewing