Tales Of Series Meme by yumekage on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Warning. This is one long-ass image.

I don't know the localized name for Chloe's Majinken Shunga. I can just say that it's the slower, bigger and stronger version of Demon Fang. The one that is fun to spam on enemies while equipping Chloe with the Extreme Symbol.

God, coloring this was a pain but it's worth it :XD:

Sorry for no Asbel or Jude. I don't have Tales of Graces or Tales of Xillia...yet.

Oh yeah, Rita's goggles magically dissapeared after the first pic because I'm lazy like that...

Enjoy~ =D

Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia), Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia), Sync The Tempest (Tales of the Abyss) and other Tales characters belong to Bandai Namco Games