Blue Pearl - Steven universe by zaameen on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

UPDATE: Thank you for the beautiful 207 faves. I mean's the best for me :hug:
If this picture looks wrong, it's because I had to redraw the entire drawing.
I had this picture for 3 months
Blue pearl, is so beautiful, and so is her blue diamond. I wish to see them again, and with there real voice :D. Steven universe, never fails to surprise me Dance! . I am so proud of the result, I really love the background, pose, and her skirt :love:. The lest thing I dislike about this picture is the nose, it does not look right, not matter how many times, I tried to fix it. It still comes out wrong! EYEBROW SEAL INTENSIFIES
Oh by the way, I just noticed something for Steven universe, the episode, "The answer", all blue gems have there eyes covered.

So, I hope ya like it. Which character should I draw next :D.

Art by :iconzaameen:

blue pearl - Steven universe

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