A tad jumpy, are we? by zakarranda on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

zakarranda on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zakarranda/art/A-tad-jumpy-are-we-64293894zakarranda

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zakarranda's avatar

Published: Sep 7, 2007


I have a friend named Josh who is one of the most ticklish people I've ever met. And the rest of us take full delight in poking him whenever we can...and then watching him jump, often a foot in the air and several across the floor (seriously lol). Two of us especially, being myself cuz I'm evil, and Jessica who just loves a good laugh :- )

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70x25px 50.27 KB

Synfull's avatar

Again on this one i feel the jump needs a bit of work on it. Before an emote jumps up they often squish down enough to make a big enough jump. The way you have it its like its trying to jump without being its legs which doesn't quite look right