Exorbitance by zamboze on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

My new Deviation!!! to celebrate my 1st year on DA
yeah i made it in my friend's PC since he go home to Cilegon!!^^ wow!!.. it's so much faster than mine^^
but despite of how fast it is, it can be error suddenly...or at least it was. but i think it's okay now... but i have to be very careful cuz if that happen..i would be frustated!! so i must save oftenly

New Record!! i made it in 12 hours (on separate days)!! it' the longest time ever til now!!^^
man... i almost got bored woth her
wow even with my friend's super fast PC, i spend about 12 hours....i can't imagine how long it was if i used my own PC..O_o

making the details take a long time, but making the hair is the most "PAIN IN THE ASS!!" i've tried many hairstyles on her but no one suit her good... well at least this one is better than others

new record again!! i use more than 75 layers here!!^^

tool: PSCS, full Tablet

still have s little mistake on her....but i'm too tired to fix it now..maybe later(i thinl it's minor though...^^)
i still have to train harder and harder!!^^
and i must increase my speed!!!>,<
but i hope you like it^^
I will Gratefully accept your comment and critic
please correct me if there's something wrong...
sorry for my awful english and this crap of long comment^^

sigh....i'm realy exhausted.......(i will realy glad if you full view it...or maybe fave it^^)