Coruscant (SW Planet Series) by zarcy on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Coruscant is known as the Imperial Center during the rule of the Galactic Empire. The planet is covered by a planet-wide city, affecting weather patterns and as such, the planet needed its own weather-control system.

This was a very different to draw compared to the rest of the planets, as I only had to really focus on the city lights to draw out the essence that is Coruscant. Again, the limited colour palette and canvas size actually prevented me from being able to really emphasize on the lightning. But you can definitely see that it is Coruscant by glancing at it atleast. Wink/Razz

Overview image of all nine planets

Reference Image

Original canvas size is 64x64, with the planet taking up roughly 52x52. I made the canvas itself bigger (80x70) to include the name of the planet written in aurebesh, as well as the colours used for the specific planet and my signature.