Mac Pannegin by ZedEdge on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Since he was born, Pannegin has always tried to prove that he’s boss. With unnecessary effort, he would slide up slippery-slides, mow the lawn with his teeth, eat every poisonous delicacy – he even punches himself in the face to wake up in the morning (much to the annoyance of his wife, Zee - who occasionally assists him in his wake-up routine).

But no-one gets him riled up like his school-rival, Torke. One of these days Pannegin’s going to out-do him – one day he will leave Torke speechless. Just not any day soon.


One of the antagonists from my comic, Ripped: The Pants Apocalypse.

Ripped: The Pants Apocalypse, Mac Pannegin © ZedEdge
Rip Laily by ZedEdge Samael Torke by ZedEdge Zee Pannegin by ZedEdge Torra Brawn by ZedEdge