Chanakya (Kautilya) (10) by ZENART07 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Chanakya was a remarkable man in ancient India, known for his incredible life journey. He was born with a special prediction that he would rule the country without becoming a king. His father, Chanak, was a teacher of political science. He advised King Dhanananda of Magadha, but Dhanananda was a bad leader, and the people were unhappy.

Chanak tried to raise public awareness about this, but Dhanananda had him killed. Chanakya, who was just a boy at the time, had to escape to save his life. He reached Takshashila, where he got a chance to continue his studies at a famous university. Chanakya was a brilliant student and became a political science teacher, just like his father.

But fate had bigger plans for him. He returned to Magadha, and its capital, Pataliputra, became his battleground. He challenged Dhanananda and removed him from the throne. He began to train many young students in political science and leadership. He turned one of his brightest students, Chandragupta Maurya, into the king of Magadha.

Chanakya also managed to defeat Alexander the Great, who was trying to conquer the world. Later, he brought together all 16 regional kingdoms of India under one central government, establishing Akhanda Bharat, or United India, with Chandragupta as its Emperor.