zerotozune User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I hate having to work and not do the art-ing and socializing that I want to do. According to my boss, sales ‘always work’, so I’m having little to no luck drawing like I used to. Hopefully things are lining up for a change, looking to switch careers (for the better!) for my watchers that are still hanging in there. Meanwhile, Doc’s Ferment has released their first album, and my artwork is the cover! It’s amazing, it’s pretty professional looking. :) The music is awesome, not the classic ‘4/4 time, chorus-filled, foot-stomping, finger-snapping minimalist brainwashing banter’ that’s on the

Just got back from a mild bout of depression. What do you say when your life isn't where you thought it was going? Anyway, I'm uploading a few artworks I've had stashed on my old PC and never bothered to show. Also, I've been drafted as an artist for a local band called Doc's Ferment, so I'll be uploading their original art as well as links to the musics that created them. I hope you enjoy. It's been called to my attention time and time again that my art is 'great' to the people around my area, but I've just never got to that level here in deviant art. It took a toll on me mentally not becoming the 'artist' I was hoping to become on here. I

How is everyone? Hope the year has treated you well, for me its brought about many changes: I've moved, got 2 jobs, and a boyfriend, lol. I hope to resurrect my page soon. Whether or not I'm going to buy premium etc. is still in the air, I have virtually (and in reality lol) very little money for recreational things. Once I bring over my scanner (still moving in) I should upload things. My interests haven't changed too much, still digging the macabre, haha. Can't say I've picked up a manga at all lately though. I'll probably go through and purge some of my older (read: crappier) art work and hopefully start posting something meaningful (re

Profile Comments 834

Hi! Followed you over from I was hoping you had updated stories here.

Hey, it's been a while *huggles* I hope you're doing well. Happy Birthday, hon'! :cuddle: :heart:

happy birthday :cake:

happy birthday virgo buddy!