Milizia: Vasily Pavlichenko (v1) by zetallis on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


“I will not die in obscurity. Mark my words, you will know me.”

P E R SO N A L - I N F O R M A T I O N

DIVISION: Artillery
NAME: Vasily “Ark” Pavlichenko (call him anything but Ark and you probably will get a kick to the face)
AGE: 21
YEAR: Freshman
HEIGHT: 5’9” (175.3 cm)
WEIGHT: 118 lbs

P E R S O N A L I T Y:

REBELLIOUS: He has his own thought process and doesn’t like someone else telling him what to do. And pretty much lacks respect for anyone else.
BLUNT: Not one to mince words, he will give you his honest opinion when asked and often when not asked, positive or negative.
PATIENT & HIGHLY FOCUSED: Most would think he’s brash, but he is incredibly good at biding his time and will wait forever and a day. Be this waiting for revenge or for his allies to pull through.
SHALLOW: Ark is pretty much incapable of forming deeper relationships. Whether this is by choice or not is not clear.
FUN: It’s good to be alive and Ark is actually rather fun to be around. He's outgoing, sings and dances and all around entertaining, that is if you can take his acrid humor and if he doesn’t think ill of you.
ARROGANT JERK: Under his hard shell, is a nut that will insult your mother and dance on your grave. He’s a jerk through and through.

H I S T O R Y: Born to a Russian mother and a Chinese father, his very evident mixed blood has brought him some troubles in life, but they’re minor compared to how he grew up. He has lived his entire life in the unstable regions and countries formed after the Soviet Union collapsed. At a very young age, he was separated from his parents and has little memory of them (whether they are alive or dead, he doesn’t know nor cares all that much). So he grew up going from faction to faction, from one civil war to another, fighting and just struggling to simply keep living to the next day. Life was incredibly hard and there were many times he wasn’t sure how he made it out alive. It should have been hell, but it wasn’t.

There were two people he loved and they were a family bound closer than blood could bring anyone. It was them versus the world and he would have gone to the deepest circles of hell in their place if he could. But during an ambush where the faction they were paid to fight for was betrayed to the enemy, he was gravely injured and fell unconscious. The last thing he remembered was his friends trying to remove the knife blade embedded in his stomach and screaming that they’d make it through this together. When he awoke, he was in the care of a man claiming to be his uncle. This supposed uncle claimed he’d been searching for him for years. But as Ark began to recover, all he tried to do was go back to find his friends, his real family. The uncle tried to convince Ark that his friends were dead but the boy would have none of that. Afraid that Ark would return to the battlefield only to get himself killed and unable to control such an unruly, undisciplined lad, the uncle enrolled him at Milizia, hoping the academy would give him focus and set him on a path to a better life.

Having grown up in a region where he had very little access to the latest tech, Ark’s expertise has always been several decades behind. His incredible knack to be able to salvage and re-purpose items and weapons has always given him an edge. But his sniping skills really set him apart, as sniping came easily to him as he had a natural sense of all the elements that a good sniper needs to consider. Giving these circumstances he was enrolled in the Artillery division, rather than Combat as the uncle was a little too afraid of what would happen there.. but despite what most would assume, Ark prefers artillery, tinkering with ammunition and equipment, and keeping his distance from everyone.
Of course he hasn’t forgotten about his friends. But they had always dreamt of something better than the life they lived. He’d make fun of his brother for dreaming that, but perhaps he can gain something from this place. Then go and get them out of their hell.

Also his fear of water will probably keep him from learning how to pilot a boat/stealing a boat/kidnapping a navel student to get him off the island for a while…

O T H E R - I N F O R M A T I O N:

Strengths and Abilities:
-Speaks Russian and Chinese fluently along with a number of eastern european dialects at a decent level
-A genius sniper
-Has a knack for improvising and repurposing and fixing items, particularly old ones
-Stronger than he looks
-Absolutely no qualms with killing someone

Faults and Weaknesses:
-Fears large bodies of water as he can’t swim
-Fears blades and will never ever touch one
-Deeply fears dying in obscurity and not having left his mark on the world which tends to manifest itself in him purposely doing something stupid as long as it gets a lot of attention
-Foul mouthed, a majority of his vocab are @#$! swears
-Unruly: Other than in personality and behavior, his close combat fighting skills are undisciplined and unrefined as well, and more akin to a drunk man fighting in a bar than a skilled warrior
-Struggles with the common language (english) and reading and writing skills are very poor
-His tech level is several decades behind
-Absolutely no qualms with killing someone

Weapon: Modified Model 1891/30 Mosin-Nagant (calls it/her “Zaichata”)

Additional Information:
-Has 3 scars on his face that was burned black by a gunpowder accident
-Keeps his dog tags bound to his neck
-He finds it embarassing that he’s older than most of the freshmen.. and unable to grow facial hair
-The ring he wears belongs to his brother and he keeps a photo of his family in his armband

Additional Images:

Who recognizes this guy? :3

Yes, I'm being silly with his "real" name. He is underweight.

And while he’d ICly rather not be at the school, I’m not going to try and actually do any escaping. Even if he does eye some navel students a little too intensely…

Kind of nervous since I've never rped on DA before and don't really know how it goes XD;;; Please teach me!

[EDIT] YAY ACCEPTED! RP PLZ <333 Though again, sorry if I make a mistake, new to rping here >.> <.<