DGM Live (original) (raw)

Crimson Commentaries

HOTEL ACCEPTABLE, ALEXANDRIA,... 10.24 E-flurry discharged. Incoming mail included a request for free tickets & will I see you after the show? This is a sufficient indication to me that I need now go off-line. Playing guitar in this band is enough, without the other band responsibilities that fall to me; without the personal responsibilities that are part of living a life; without the professional & DGM responsibilities that fall to me. Very little of the work on the ro... 04 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

MOTEL MODESTO, SAN LUIS.... 12.59 Rising against gravity and with batteredness 08.00. 13.38 A morning of e-fury. Of the three evenings of Englishman Abroad so far, all have been very different and I have enjoyed each of them. Burning Questions: there has been on question with sufficient heat for fire IMO. Much of the KC / RF commentary on social media strikes me as unconsidered, rather than uninformed; and much opinion Received Opinion, rather than a result of pondering... 27 Feb 2024

Crimson Commentaries

RECAPITULATION, CRIMS 90S... "As part of the larger recapitulation of my life currently underway, I have been reviewing... Feb 23, 2024

Crimson Commentaries

HOTEL PROFESSIONALLY... 12.58 As part of the larger recapitulation of my life currently underway, I have been reviewing correspondence between myself and other Crims during the 1990s. This was a brutal decade for me, with the collapse of EG in 1991 and the attempted sale of KC copyrights to Virgin and BMG. These copyrights were not for EG to sell, and a process of litigation and dispute began, ongoing until 1997. Mr. Pete Tomsett in his Fifty Shades Of Crimson reflect... 22 Feb 2024

Crimson Commentaries

MOBILE HQ CRIMBUS THROUGH THE 07.46 Mobile, HQ, Crimbus. Through the Canadian border. We stopped around 06.40 & everyone was off the two buses, crew & band. Canadian immigration law has recently changed, apparently, and is fairly immense & contradictory. The rules are different if the venue has permanent or temporary liquor licenses, for example, and the provinces interprete the laws differently; so the young woman immigration inspector suggested. The sight of... 09 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

MOBILE HQ, CRIMBUS. 06.01 Mobile HQ, Crimbus. Dribble dribble. An overnight from Philly to Boston. We have left the Tower to Hall & Oates tonight. No doubt Daryl & John know it much better than we do. I woke around 5.00 and was unable to go back to sleep. The unpleasantness of BMG hovers close to me. Their efficiency in maintaining my affections is in directly inverse proportion to their capacity to collect my publishing royalties. Now we appear to be ap... 08 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

MOBILE HQ, CRIMSON TOURBUS,... 10.48 Mobile HQ, Crimson Tourbus, currently at W.42 & 8th. Avenue, NYCNY. Farewell Hotel Designer! I grew fond of you and enjoyed sitting in your lobby. Fashionable twenty, thirty & forty-somethings enjoyed your lobby lounge & bar in the evening, too. Yesterday I had almost forgotten the noise of your air conditioning vents, such is the rapidity with which we become accustomed to ongoing sensory input. Until this morning, that is. S... 07 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

#504, HOTEL QUITE ACCEPTABLE,... 00.15 A supportive & generous audience and what would conventionally be called a successful performance. I felt violation at the heart of it, although I'm not sure that affected anyone else. 13.23 Mobile HQ, Crimbus. We left Vancouver punctually at 10.30 and crossed the border into the US. There was a long line of trucks queuing up for inspection. The document & screening area was strangely quiet. The Crimbus is now pulling into Seatt... 24 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

HOTEL QUITE ACCEPTABLE,... 11.03 The weather is changeable, a blue sky rapidly becoming grey. Back from Sen5es Bakery Café on the corner with coffee. I have been continuing to read In Search Of Zarathustra by Paul Kriwaczek. The late Michael Franklin, a student of JBG from Coombe Springs, would have been interested in this. Michael believed that the Arthurian legend was fundamentally Zorastrian.- Arthur was Ahura. I knew this from the Red Lion House days, when Mic... 23 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

HOTEL QUITE ACCEPTABLE,... 23.57 We arrived at Denver International Airport, four hours ahead of flight departure. With only carry-on baggage, we were checked-in and through security in 45 minutes, except for MJK Tour Manager whose passport was on the Crewbus. MJK flew to Seattle to join the Crewbus driving up from Denver through to Vancouver. Out of Hotel Quite Acceptable, onto the van taking us to DIA, the band were all well-bummed (to adopt American-speak) that we did... 21 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

HOTEL QUITE ACCEPTABLE,.... 10.42 The sun is shining, the sky is mostly blue, downtown streets are clear of snow & traffic is moving again. Yesterday, snowed in, it was as if the world were on hold. 11.14 A call to David at DGM HQ. The prospective KC tour of Europe continues to be problematic while likely. But overall, in DGM & KC matters, there is more movement forwards than backwards, and more positive than negative. At this moment I need England so badly that... 20 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

HOTEL DESIGNER. 00.09 We continue to pull astonishing errors from pieces where no sane person could find them. Like, playing entire sections a semitone lower than intended, and then beginning it again afterwards! And this was not one of mine. I was well able to find my own. Strange but true: I saw my first string break, and put the guitar aside for John Sinks to replace the string, picking up the spare Fernandes. John returned, speedily, and I took the guitar... 06 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

EXILES STRIPPED DOWN Alex Mundy has gone into the LTIA session reels to give us a stripped-back version of Exiles without... Jan 30, 2023

Crimson Commentaries

FRIPP MOBILE HQ, ALEXANDRIA. 12.20 The sun is shining, the sky is blue, it is very cold. Rising at 08.30, concerns over Adrian's health came to visit. So, a call to Tour Manager MJK to deal with this immediately. And a call to DGM HQ where a number of favourable reviews continue to arrive. 23.05 ProjeKct Three lives! The return of P3! The Reformation of P3 - with all the original members! Ade is languishing with Devil Disease, so P3 was called back into action at short... 03 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

THE REST OF THE WORLD TOUR. 11.15 The day has begun on Tourbus Quite Acceptable, at least for myself. Jared Driver's day began before midnight & has never ended. The corridor of bunks, separating front lounge & RF HQ in the back, is dark with (presumably) sleeping Crims & tour manager MJK. I left them, last night, watching Elvis And June on DVD. A Beast of Terror Cheesecake, a gift especially made for the band & delivered last night, was sampled, tested &am... 02 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

MOUNT JULIET. 09.47 Another grey day. Rising late at 09.30. I was up late packing & de-vibrating from the performance. And I enjoyed a glass of bubbling solution with Martha & Ade Belew, upstairs in Chateau Belewbeloid, back from Soundcheck. Martha's views of the band, and of the dress rehearsal, were useful as always. Supportive while frank, and quite unlike any other commentator on the band. My view of Fripp's performing role in this band: I do no... 27 Feb 2003

Crimson Commentaries

THE BASEMENT BELEWBELOID. 09.22 A grey, cold morning at Mount Juliet. Most of the snow has melted. Cable access is down, as it is very often the case here. The server is not reliable. 11.00 Adrian is upstairs, doing interviews. I am downstairs and have constructed a running order for tonight, to present to the Team for their comments. The tempo of Time's Arrow is accelerating as we reach the end of this particular part of our overall touring process. 22.45 Immense pr... 26 Feb 2003

Crimson Commentaries

#507, SOFITEL, BEVERLY BLVD.,... 08.28 The sky is hazy, and the hunt for AOL is about to begin -- 09.29 E-flurrying successful at the second attempt, calls to DGM HQ, Father-in-Law Beric & Little Willcox. Little Willcox is in Glasgow for the next batch of touring with Calamity Jane. She sounds in good cheer & very happy to be back with her team. Here, I came to the end of Ian Kershaw's magisterial Hitler:Nemesis at the nearby Starbucks, with the regular homeless peop... 20 Jan 2003

Crimson Commentaries

BREDONBOROUGH. 11.33 The sky is blue, the sun is shining, hard frost delineates the forms & shapes of buildings & garden. I am missing my Wife very much but this afternoon she will be home. Yippee! Meanwhile, our Wonder-Cleaning-Lady Heather & Wonder-Builder Mark have been at work, cleaning the downstairs rooms & clearing blocked gutters respectively. My own e-flurrying addresses various concerns from Crafties & the promotion department o... 07 Jan 2003

Crimson Commentaries

THAT AWFUL MAN & THE VICAR -... My answer to all those obsessed with strange time signatures - "all King Crimson music is in one", as in today's video from Philadelphia (one of my favourite of the evenings with Robert. We could choose any number of the questions from there). Not surprisingly, despite what I said, I do know far more than I might wish to about the actual time signatures – partly because when you edit pieces with different parts cycling agains... 11 Jul 2023

Crimson Commentaries

CHATEAU BELEWBELOID,.... 09.48 A new book, chosen from the stash of volumes acquired on the last visit here, to begin a new period of working with the Crimson Beast: Michael Chanan's "From Handel To Hendrix: The Composer In The Public Sphere" (Verso, 1999). Also, I've been reading the applications for the Level One in New Jersey, and sent a response to Curt Golden. This course in September will be the largest Level One to date. Then to an e-flurry. Sid Smith's diary me... 26 Apr 2000

Crimson Commentaries

HOTEL QUITE ACCEPTABLE,... 11.29 The sun is shining, the sky is blue. The view of downtown Chicago from the corner room of a 20th. floor is impressive. How wonderful to wake up in a room where I went to bed the night before. The following is a quote recently attributed to me in posts to Elephant Talk, and it is almost accurate. "The only reward a musician should receive is music". A more accurate quote is actually the only reward a musician receives is music. Still, you... 15 Mar 2003

Crimson Commentaries

BREDONBOROUGH. 12.08The first call of the day was from David at DGM HQ - Sanctuary want a radio friendly edit of Eyes Wide Open. So David had a solitary Late Shift yesterday evening in DGM SoundWorld. We also discussed possible second editions of both The ConstruKction of Light & Heavy ConstruKction, moving forward with actualizing the audit of Virgin & BMG, and saying goodbye to the impossible Harry Fox. The Luvvie called this morning from Hull &... 01 Nov 2002

Crimson Commentaries

KING CRIMSON TOUR BUS OF... 11.00 The King Crimson Nashville To Asheville tour is now ended, and has merged seamlessly with the tour of Nashville To Lotsa Places Everywhere Else On Three Continents. The tour of Europe looks likely, even a goer. This includes points of existential terror for me, notably the Congresshall in Warsaw - a gift from Uncle Joe to his pals, the Polish people. This is one good example of how to transfer paranoia into architecture. Another good exam... 01 Mar 2003