Dry eyes are common ailment in this day and age - heating, air-conditioning, contact lens wearing, certain medications and staring at computer screens all contribute to the feeling that your eyes are scratchy or feel like they?ve got a bit of grit in them. (original) (raw)

Product guide written by Diabetes Expert: Sue Marshall

New Dry Eye Relief


New Dry Eye Relief

Dry eyes are common ailment in this day and age – heating, air-conditioning, contact lens wearing, certain medications and staring at computer screens all contribute to the feeling that your eyes are scratchy or feel like they’ve got a bit of grit in them.

Dry eye symptoms

Ironically, dry eye often manifests with eyes watering in order to try to relive the eye from the lack of moisture therein. Many people suffer from symptoms without getting as far as an actual diagnosis, but 7% of people in their 50s and 15% of people in their 70s are diagnosed with the condition in the UK.

New Dry Eye Relief

There are a few over-the-counter remedies out there, such as ‘artificial tears’, but the New Dry Eye Relief from leading Japanese eye-care company Rohto has some distinct advantages. Effectively addressing the reduced integrity of the tear film of the eye, the Rohto solution has clinically proven product performance, showing both short-term and long-term symptom relief.

Dose vials

A clear advantage is that the liquid comes in unique daily dose vials – you use one then throw it away, so that you’re not reusing an open tube for weeks on end (with the possible danger of introducing an infection to the eye).

Dry Eye Relief increases tear volume while decreasing tear viscosity.

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