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DISC Personality Reports

We provide some of the most detailed and extensive DISC profile reporting available anywhere. Not only are these personality reports filled with relevant information, but they're also created individually to reflect the precise patterns in a set of personality results.

Sample Discus Classic Personality Report

The Personality Report

Classic DISC Personality Report

A Classic report includes everything you need to get a full overview of a personality style. As well as extensive and accessible graphs and diagrams, it also includes a textual analysis describing the individual details of a personality profile, covering a range of ten different subject areas.

Sample Discus Enhanced Personality Report

The Personality Report

Enhanced DISC Personality Report

The Enhanced report extends the Classic format to include no fewer than eleven extra sections of analysis, covering topics ranging from specific work roles to behavioral interview questions. Creating an Enhanced report also automatically unlocks the Feedback Report for the same set of DISC results.

Sample Discus Outline Personality Report

The Personality Report

Outline DISC Personality Report

An Outline report is designed for DISC experts. It includes basic DISC information such as graphs, but without the full analysis features of a Classic or Enhanced report. Outline reports are a highly cost-effective solution for experienced DISC users.

Sample Discus Remote Working report

Sample Discus Remote Working report

Remote Working Report

The Remote Working report is dedicated to an increasingly common way of working, focusing on those factors that affect indivuduals working remotely or from a home office. It includes a series of Remote Working factors, as well as pointers for improved productivity and discussions of scenarios particularly relevant in these kinds of working conditions.


with Enhanced reports

Sample Discus Feedback Report

Profile Feedback

Feedback Report

A Feedback Report is a DISC report designed to be accessible to the person completing the questionnaire, giving them useful feedback on their results. It discusses broad topics directly relevant to the candidate, covering subjects from communication style to work style and career options.


with Enhanced reports

Sample Discus Motivation Spectrum report

Sample Discus Motivation Spectrum report

Motivation Spectrum Report

The Motivation Spectrum Report is a highly focused look at a crucial element of the personality: motivation. The report considers eight different motivation factors derived from a candidate's standard DISC scores, and discusses how each of these factors will affect a person's levels of engagement and commitment.


with Enhanced reports

Job Matching Reports

Job Matching involves matching a candidate's personality profile against an ideal pattern for a given role, a pattern we call a Job Profile. The Job Matching suite includes a range of reports to help you find a candidate for a job, or a role that suits a candidate. You can also use the Job Profile report to review the requirements of any role.

Sample Job Match Report

Job Matching

Job Match Report

A Job Match report is an optional part of the main personality report, looking at the ways a person fits with the ideal personality needs of any job or role. Included is an assessment of any notable strengths for the role, as well as a discussion of potential limitations. Job Match reports can be freely incorporated into the main personality report for any candidate.

Sample Discus Candidate Match Report

Job Matching

Candidate Match Report

To create a Candidate Match report, we can take any role and search your database to measure appropriate candidates against that role's personality needs. It looks in detail at a single candidate's suitability, but also includes a comparison of related individuals to help find the optimum match or matches for the role.

Sample Job Profile Report

Job Matching

Job Profile Report

A Job Profile describes the personality requirements of any role, and we provide everything you need to create and manage Job Profiles like this. A Job Profile Report summarizes the key features of any role, whether its profile comes from the extensive library of standard roles, or from your own custom profile.

More Reports

Beyond personality and job reports, we can go further and look at the ways that individuals work together. There are two different approaches available: a relationship report that examines the dynamics in a single working relationship, and a team report that examines the workings of an entire group of different personality types.

Sample Relationship Report

Managing Relationships

Relationship Report

Relationship reports highlight the most important dynamics in action between two individuals, helping to explain the way those two people will build a working relationship. Relationship reports include an analysis from the point of view of each of the two personalities involved.

Sample Team Report

Team Building

Team Report

Team reports look at the interconnected ways that personalities of individual members interact with each other to affect the team as a whole. The report looks at distinct team roles and team dynamics, and highlights key issues surrounding the team's leadership role.