无人之境 - 话剧 (豆瓣) (original) (raw)

无人之境的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

The first act opens with Hirst's offering a drink to Spooner: "As it is?" – that is, neat (UK) or straight (U.S.) – and Spooner's reply: "As it is, yes please, absolutely as it is" (15). During the first act, Spooner claims to be a fellow poet and to have known his more illustrious literary host and mutual acquaintances and relationships in the past. Toward the end of act one, Hirst's keepers (quasi-body guards) "vagabond cock" Foster and Briggs seek to fend off the self-insinuating Spooner, leading Hirst "out of the room (52) and away from him. The act end...

The first act opens with Hirst's offering a drink to Spooner: "As it is?" – that is, neat (UK) or straight (U.S.) – and Spooner's reply: "As it is, yes please, absolutely as it is" (15). During the first act, Spooner claims to be a fellow poet and to have known his more illustrious literary host and mutual acquaintances and relationships in the past. Toward the end of act one, Hirst's keepers (quasi-body guards) "vagabond cock" Foster and Briggs seek to fend off the self-insinuating Spooner, leading Hirst "out of the room (52) and away from him. The act ends with a "Blackout" – visually demonstrating Foster's taunt: "Listen. You know what it's like when you're in a room with the light on and then suddenly the light goes out? I'll show you. It's like this. ... He turns the light out" (53).
During Act Two, in his increasingly inebriated state, Hirst may mistake or feign recognition of Spooner as an Oxbridge classmate from the 1930s, an apparently false impression which Spooner nevertheless encourages (68–78), leading both of them into a series of increasingly questionable reminiscences, which Hirst finally and abruptly undercuts: "This is outrageous! Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" going on to accuse Spooner of being an impostor: "You are clearly a lout. The Charles Wetherby I knew was a gentleman. I see a figure reduced. I am sorry for you. Where is the moral ardour that sustained you once? Gone down the hatch." – allusively and both wistfully and comically combining the clichés "Gone with the wind" and "Down the hatch," after which, Briggs "enters, pours whisky and soda, gives it to" Hirst, who "looks at it" and then says, "Down the hatch. Right down the hatch. (He drinks.)" (78). Hirst proclaims, "Let us change the subject. Pause. For the last time." (91), but immediately asks, "What have I said?" That leads the characters to debate what Hirst's phrase for the last time precisely "means" (91–94), leaving all of them, according to Spooner, "in no man's land. Which never moves, which never changes, which never grows older, but which remains forever icy and silent." Following the illustrative "Silence", Hirst utters the play's final words and provides its final action: "I'll drink to that" (95): "He drinks," paralleling the opening words of the first act ("As it comes?"), and the play ends, ambiguously, with a "SLOW FADE" of lights (95).


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无人之境的剧评 · · · · · ·( 全部 14 条 )

九命猫@victor-eyes 2017-04-16 16:02:35


本文已发表于“澎湃”,转载请一定注明,一定联系本人。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1975年伊始,经历过数次外遇的四十四岁剧作家哈罗德·品特与他的一生挚爱,女作家安东尼娅·弗拉瑟(Antonia Fraser),坠... (展开)

郝春儿 2017-01-24 10:16:17



这一部充斥着浓烈酒精味道的荒诞戏剧让陈年往事在酒酿中慢慢发酵。老友相聚本应是重逢的喜悦,竟变成一番权利的较量。在陌生与熟悉中,他们亦真亦假,分不出到底那一句话是发自内心的表达,哪一句话是模棱两可的虚与委蛇。压抑的密室下,日常的闲谈埋藏着难以计量的危机,冲突... (展开)

徐蔻依 2017-05-15 11:34:13



《无人之境》是一出对于观众很是挑剔的剧目,过滤粉丝的功效极强。 譬如,当日在我左手边的两位中年女士,从落座起,叽叽喳喳,叽叽喳喳,在播放纪录片的时候也不体面地错过“把剧场当作她们家客厅”这一千载难逢的机会,甚至在话剧正式放映后也不舍得收声,害得我只好顾不得... (展开)

lesley_pan 2017-04-18 22:27:48



2017年4月16日下午场上海大剧院NTLive《无人之境》。前一天晚上看完黄浦剧场的RSCLive《理查二世》,回到家收拾完将近十二点,就这样紧接着第二天下午场的《无人之境》,没睡醒就一早去健身,然后又是这样一个温暖而昏昏欲睡的下午,实在不是一个看戏的好时间。在微博也看到了... (展开)

小哥 2018-04-02 12:46:52


荒凉的无人之境,存在于赫斯特的心里。里面的人永葆青春、活力,但也永远走不出去,当然别人也进不来。剧中赫斯特家的一主二仆,在我看来都是一个人,他的青年、中年、老年时代。青年时的幻想,中年时的愤嫉,老来天凉好个秋的无力绝望,第一幕快结束时,赫斯特爬出这个房间的... (展开)

wisteria 2017-11-02 19:24:20

NT Live

戏剧影像,颇有妙趣:以往观剧,贪心时恨不能将舞台上众人众物尽收眼里,难免分神断义,有所错漏;而今,眼神心神均随导演的指挥棒聚焦在荧幕上之人之物,更易贴近戏剧本身,无论台词,人物,神情及布景,所想所感一气呵成。NT Live更妙之处,还在剧后Q&A之精彩,走近幕后... (展开)

翩翩 2017-10-31 10:34:47



NT Live其实很有趣,开场前采访主创团队,非常详细地介绍剧目的制作构思和花絮。这一版本的布景是高大圆形空间,墙体既很像有身份地位之人的藏书墙,整体又像是一个监狱。故事是在这样一个相对封闭的环境中展开的,设计人员说道:“私密场景比大场面更难。”而实景的精确、契合... (展开)

模范丈夫李时珍 2022-12-04 12:27:29

《No Man's Land》2017.7.28


终于看了这个话剧。出于好评的口碑和老戏骨的演绎。总的来说——很乱,思绪万千。我看来并不仅是表面上的记忆相撞,更多的是沉浸其中的对话。正如剧名《No Man's Land》,酒精中的自己上了一道又一道锁。起先我理解为帕特里克与年轻人、中年人,是一个人,分别是年轻、中年的自... (展开)

天地本不全 2022-08-11 08:47:21


品特设计了酒醉、酒醒两个状态下两个人物的多组对照,分别呈现原本的人性和阶级下的人性,以及二人境遇、态度的对照。 醉酒时,斯普纳因缺爱没有安全感,习惯以抽离的状态分析观察世界和人物,保持一种防御姿态,同时敏感自卑,老年的窘迫下好为人师和装腔作势是存在主义下的精... (展开)

离坚白 2019-05-04 16:52:57

Forever Subject

No. You're in no man's land, which never moves, which never changes, which never grows old, but it remains forever icy and silent. I'll drink to that. 会重刷再写剧评。这是一部很挑人的剧,一个场景,却上演了四个人一生的故事。 一边埋怨自己在开始不久就看了一下... (展开)

> 更多剧评 14篇