宝珠的评论(3) (original) (raw)

Hello Beautiful

宝珠 2023-12-18 03:14:06

Julia is the cause of everything

Juila is just as annoying as hell, she’s selfish and manipulative, she’s mean and bossy. This all I feel after reading what she did to William. In their whole marriage, Julia never even bother to really care William feeling and what he wants. No support w... (展开)


宝珠 2020-04-28 03:27:44


比较难忘的部分:Hat Creek Rim沙漠段愚蠢的没确认蓄水站是否真的有水之前就迫不及待的喝光了剩余的水 其实离水站紧几步之遥;在下一个水库喝饱了”脏水“之后在地上睡着了,醒来发现身上沾满几百只薯片大小的黑色小青蛙,湿乎乎潮唧唧凉丝丝的贴在皮肤上;在Castle Crag之前段... (展开)


宝珠 2016-09-14 14:52:00

情理之中的惊悚 出乎意料的变态

前方预警:此文含高度剧透!! 今天周二难道晚上有空就去半价看了don't breathe 本人今年看过最喜欢的恐怖片!!! 注:是本人觉得最喜欢的~~~ 之前看trailer时候就一直思考我靠这个老爷爷做甚的 看起来很吊的样纸?以为是鬼片或者这老头有啥金刚狼的特异本领?还有那个被囚... (展开)