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Fix and Flip Investor Resources

The Rules to Flip By

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Pick the brains of a team that’s flipped 2,500 homes in Texas and California. We compiled our absolute best advice for investors in this industry guide. Whether or not you decide to borrow from Easy Street, The Rules to Flip By is a useful resource for all fix and flip investors!

Fix and Flip Loans Guide

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Just getting started? Never flipped a property before? No problem! Our Fix and Flip Loans Guide covers all the basic information fix and flip investors need to know in 2024! Click the link below and get started on your fix and flip journey today!

Design Guide

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Design the perfect home for your next project! Over the years, we've had the opportunity to see some amazing renovations done by our investors. With their help, we put together this Design Guide to help new investors (or seasoned) see what's most popular with today’s buyers!