Transcriptional_analysis_of_cells_from_lungs - EGA European Genome-Phenome Archive (original) (raw)

Studies EGAS00001002649

To capture the full heterogeneity of the cellular types and states during HSPCs differentiation, haematopoietic progenitors will be obtained through column-enrichment of cells expressing CD34, a pan-progenitor marker for HSPCs. The samples from tumour and non-tumour lung tissue from different patients will be processed using the 10x Genomics platform. This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (including details of any publication moratoria), please see

1 Dataset 6 Publications

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001005065 Human lung tissue was obtained from deceased organ donors from whom organs were being retrieved for transplantation. Informed consent for the use of tissue was obtained from the donors’ families (REC reference: 15/EE/0152 NRES Committee East of England - Cambridge South). Fresh tissue from the peripheral parenchyma of the left lower lobe or lower right lobe of the lung was excised within 60 minutes of circulatory arrest and preserved in University of Wisconsin (UW) organ preservation solution (Belzer UW® Cold Storage Solution, Bridge to Life, USA) until processing. Illumina HiSeq 4000 11
Publications Citations
SARS-CoV-2 entry factors are highly expressed in nasal epithelial cells together with innate immune genes. Sungnak W, Huang N, Bécavin C, Berg M, Queen R, Litvinukova M, Talavera-López C, Maatz H, Reichart D, Sampaziotis F, Worlock KB, Yoshida M, Barnes JL, HCA Lung Biological Network. Nat Med 26:2020 681-687 1582
Gene signatures from scRNA-seq accurately quantify mast cells in biopsies in asthma. Jiang J, Faiz A, Berg M, Carpaij OA, Vermeulen CJ, Brouwer S, Hesse L, Teichmann SA, Ten Hacken NHT, Timens W, van den Berge M, Nawijn MC. Clin Exp Allergy 50:2020 1428-1431 12
Integrated Single-Cell Atlas of Endothelial Cells of the Human Lung. Schupp JC, Adams TS, Cosme C, Raredon MSB, Yuan Y, Omote N, Poli S, Chioccioli M, Rose KA, Manning EP, Sauler M, DeIuliis G, Ahangari F, Neumark N, Habermann AC, Gutierrez AJ, Bui LT, Lafyatis R, Pierce RW, Meyer KB, Nawijn MC, Teichmann SA, Banovich NE, Kropski JA, Niklason LE, Pe'er D, Yan X, Homer RJ, Rosas IO, Kaminski N. Circulation 144:2021 286-302 141
Single-cell RNA-sequencing in asthma research. Tang W, Li M, Teng F, Cui J, Dong J, Wang W. Front Immunol 13:2022 988573 7
An integrated cell atlas of the lung in health and disease. Sikkema L, Ramírez-Suástegui C, Strobl DC, Gillett TE, Zappia L, Madissoon E, Markov NS, Zaragosi LE, Ji Y, Ansari M, Arguel MJ, Apperloo L, Banchero M, Bécavin C, Berg M, Chichelnitskiy E, Chung MI, Collin A, Gay ACA, Gote-Schniering J, Hooshiar Kashani B, Inecik K, Jain M, Kapellos TS, Kole TM, Leroy S, Mayr CH, Oliver AJ, von Papen M, Peter L, Taylor CJ, Walzthoeni T, Xu C, Bui LT, De Donno C, Dony L, Faiz A, Guo M, Gutierrez AJ, Heumos L, Huang N, Ibarra IL, Jackson ND, Kadur Lakshminarasimha Murthy P, Lotfollahi M, Tabib T, Talavera-López C, Travaglini KJ, Wilbrey-Clark A, Worlock KB, Yoshida M, Lung Biological Network Consortium, van den Berge M, Bossé Y, Desai TJ, Eickelberg O, Kaminski N, Krasnow MA, Lafyatis R, Nikolic MZ, Powell JE, Rajagopal J, Rojas M, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Seibold MA, Sheppard D, Shepherd DP, Sin DD, Timens W, Tsankov AM, Whitsett J, Xu Y, Banovich NE, Barbry P, Duong TE, Falk CS, Meyer KB, Kropski JA, Pe'er D, Schiller HB, Tata PR, Schultze JL, Teichmann SA, Misharin AV, Nawijn MC, Luecken MD, Theis FJ. Nat Med 29:2023 1563-1577 130
BIDCell: Biologically-informed self-supervised learning for segmentation of subcellular spatial transcriptomics data. Fu X, Lin Y, Lin DM, Mechtersheimer D, Wang C, Ameen F, Ghazanfar S, Patrick E, Kim J, Yang JYH. Nat Commun 15:2024 509 7