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Sample Preparation Widget (SPW)

The Sample Preparation Widget (SPW) is an online tool available through theEMPIAR deposition system. SPW is an easy-to-use and re-usable web component that allows for the detailed and structured description of Sample Preparation (SP) protocols used for volume EM (vEM) experiments. The widget (working with a Mongo database) provides a repository of SP data that can be shared with other users and used for further analysis.

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The SPW was designed in collaboration with Kedar Narayan, Michele Darrow and Carles Bosch Pinol of the Sample Preparation Working Group which is a part of the volume EM community initiative. It allows for easy to use point-and-click functionality, using controlled vocabularies where possible and allowing free-text information only if absolutely required. The tool was primarily designed to produce protocols that can accompany vEM datasets deposited to EMPIAR, but it can also be used to upload, view, edit, copy, and download entries for use at the bench.

If you use the Sample preparation widget, please cite: Sriram Somasundaram, Carles Bosch, Michele C. Darrow, Gerard J. Kleywegt, Ardan Patwardan and Kedar Narayan (2022). “The Sample Preparation Widget: a new tool in EMPIAR to create structured sample-preparation protocols for volume electron microscopy ”, to be published.

How to use SPW


The work on EMPIAR was funded from 2014 to 2021 by two project grants awarded to EMBL-EBI byMRC andBBSRC [MR/L007835/1, MR/P019544/1]. Since 2021, it benefits from funding from theWellcome Trust [221371/Z/20/Z]. The work on SPW and EMPIAR is further supported by EMBL with funding from its member states.
