Search Results - subject_exact:"Organisierte Kriminalität" (original) (raw)


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Das Schlagwort "Kokainschwemme" macht derzeit die Runde, es beschreibt den gestiegenen Zufuhrdruck der Droge in Richtung Europa. Dabei betreiben Gruppen der organisierten Rauschgiftkriminalität den Einfuhrschmuggel von Kokain meist über europäische Containerhäfen, in deren Logistikbereichen...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014485834


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Arellano-Bover, Jaime; De Simoni, Marco; Guiso, Luigi; … - 2024

Infiltration of the legal economy by criminal organizations (OCGs) is potentially significant, though how pervasive remains uncertain. Beyond the volume, the motives driving infiltration are of serious policy concern. We introduce a conceptual framework to differentiate between OCGs' motives for...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014507642


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Cariello, Pasquale; De Simoni, Marco; Iezzi, Stefano - 2024

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014553878


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Arellano-Bover, Jaime; De Simoni, Marco; Guiso, Luigi; … - 2024

Infiltration of the legal economy by criminal organizations (OCGs) is potentially significant, though how pervasive remains uncertain. Beyond the volume, the motives driving infiltration are of serious policy concern. We introduce a conceptual framework to differentiate between OCGs’ motives...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014514804


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Maihold, Günther - Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik - 2024

Das Schlagwort "Kokainschwemme" macht derzeit die Runde, es beschreibt den gestiegenen Zufuhrdruck der Droge in Richtung Europa. Dabei betreiben Gruppen der organisierten Rauschgiftkriminalität den Einfuhrschmuggel von Kokain meist über europäische Containerhäfen, in deren Logistikbereichen...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014484457


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Cretu-Adatte, Cristina; Azi, Josselin Wilfred; … - In: Journal of economic criminology 3 (2024), pp. 1-9

This article delves into the organisation of Ivorian cyberfraudsters, known as "brouteurs", who engage in romance scams and sextorsion, and it questions the various structures through which these fraudsters operate. The study's findings are based on data collected through semi-structured...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014517183


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Zhilla, Fabian - In: Journal of illicit economies and development : JIED 6 (2024) 1, pp. 30-41

This study asserts that the repatriation of foreign fighters from the conflict in Ukraine poses a significant threat to the peace and stability of the Southeast Europe within the realm of organized crime. It contends that Southeast Europe serves as fertile ground for foreign fighters during...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10015047621


Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014507317


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Baraldi, Anna Laura; Immordino, Giovanni; Papagni, Erasmo; … - 2023

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014507942


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Gutiérrez-Romero, Roxana; Iturbe, Nayely - 2023

When does organized crime resort to assassinating politicians? In narcocracies, criminal groups co-opt political elites through bribery in exchange for protection to traffic illegal drugs. When criminal groups compete, they may also resort to political violence to influence which candidate wins...



Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013549898


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García-Ponce, Omar; Laterzo, Isabel - 2023

We investigate the impact of childhood exposure to organized criminal violence on sociopolitical attitudes in Mexico, where an entire generation of youths has been raised amid the country's most violent conflict over the past century. We fielded an in-person survey to nearly 3,000 urban youths,...



Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014314164


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Schwuchow, Soeren C. - In: European journal of law and economics 55 (2023) 3, pp. 469-509

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014315653


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Fioroni, Tamara; Lavezzi, Andrea Mario; Trovato, Giovanni - 2023

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014317871


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Baraldi, Anna Laura; Papagni, Erasmo; Stimolo, Marco - 2023

Organised crime tightens its corrupting influence on politics through violent intimidation. Anti-crime measures that increase the cost of corruption but not of the exercise of violence might accordingly lead mafia-style organizations to retaliate by resorting to violence in lieu of bribery. On...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014282766


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Calamunci, Francesca; Frattini, Federico F. - 2023

What is the long-term effect of organised crime presence on social capital accumulation? By leveraging novel social capital and organised crime data, this study investigates this question within the Italian landscape. In an instrumental variable (IV) setting, we exploit the forced resettlement...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014282774


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Calamunci, Francesca; Ferrante, Livio; Scebba, Rossana; … - In: Journal of regional science 63 (2023) 4, pp. 1001-1025

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014365013


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Calamunci, Francesca Maria; Frattini, Federico Fabio - 2023

What is the long-term effect of organised crime presence on social capital accumulation? By leveraging novel social capital and organised crime data, this study investigates this question within the Italian landscape. In an instrumental variable (IV) setting, we exploit the forced resettlement...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014356903


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Battisti, Michele; Bernardo, Giovanni; Kourtellos, Andros; … - 2023 - This draft: April 22, 2023

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014336682


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Campedelli, Gian Maria; Daniele, Gianmarco; … - 2023

The pervasive violence perpetrated by criminal organizations poses a substantial threat to numerous countries around the world. This study investigates the influence of organized crime violence on public perceptions of organized crime and support for the state.To address this unexplored issue,...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014343669


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Simon, Jan-Michael - 2023

Criminal actors linked to Venezuelan State Organized Crime, be they in or outside the country, profit from Venezuela’s ruling system of “inverted rule of law” and impunity. The present article sheds light on international challenges that have arisen while seeking accountability abroad....

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014346070


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Marcolongo, Giovanna - 2023

I document mafia firms’ participation in public procurement contracts awarded following natural disasters in Italy. I exploit quasi-random assignment of municipalities to emergency relief status after earthquakes. I show that, only after emergency status is released, criminal firms increase...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014348290


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Vereinte Nationen / Office on Drugs and Crime - 2023



Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014478186


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Masciandaro, Donato; Barone, Raffaella - 2023

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014479332


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Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering - 2023

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014496518


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Frattini, Federico Fabio - 2023

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014460418


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Bravard, Christophe; Durieu, Jacques; Kamphorst, Jurjen; … - In: Journal of public economic theory 25 (2023) 6, pp. 1361-1393

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014440450


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Gundur, Rajeev Vishwanath - In: Journal of illicit economies and development : JIED 5 (2023) 1, pp. 19-21

This is a review of the 2020 IASOC Prize Winner Intimate Crimes: Kidnapping, Gangs and Trust in Mexico City by Rolando Ochoa. Ochoa provides a masterful account of how private citizens understand risk, as kidnapping continues to be a significant problem in Mexico, and manage their private...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014443179


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Lambertini, Sara Mariella - In: Journal of illicit economies and development : JIED 5 (2023) 1, pp. 22-33

The Orinoco Mining Arc (OMA) is in the south of Venezuela, a region rich in minerals and natural resources with a particular social, economic, and security dynamic. Due to its remoteness and difficult access, different actors have found a privileged space to conduct criminal activities....

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014443180


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Rizzo, Leonzio; Ferraresi, Massimiliano; Secomandi, Riccardo - In: CESifo economic studies : a joint initiative of the … 69 (2023) 3, pp. 177-193

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014427305


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Di Novi, Cinzia; Flamini, Alessandro; Peracchi, Franco - 2023

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014446583


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Castelluccio, Marco; Rizzica, Lucia - 2023

We analyse the risk of mafia capture of firms operating in the legal economy. Specifically, we study the relationship between firm performance and mafia infiltration. To overcome possible endogeneity concerns we exploit the abrupt drop in revenues caused by the (unexpected) Covid-19 related...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014381949


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Buonanno, Paolo; Ferrari, Irene; Saia, Alessandro - 2023

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014382190


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Chircop, Justin; Fabrizi, Michele; Malaspina, Patrizia; … - In: Journal of accounting research 61 (2023) 1, pp. 243-277

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014308315


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Zabyelina, Yuliya - In: Journal of economic criminology 1 (2023), pp. 1-7

The lack of understanding of the boundaries of economic criminology and the little agreement on the kind of offenses or deviant acts that fall in its substantive focus have invited an evaluation of the characteristics that criminals and/or crimes have to own in order to qualify as "economic...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014517061


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Tiwari, Milind - In: Journal of economic criminology 2 (2023), pp. 1-5

Food crimes, including adulteration, poisoning, mislabelling, and misrepresentation of information, have cost billions in the global food industry. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted the weaknesses of the food supply chain. Unfortunately, such weaknesses are exploited by actors...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014517125


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Kabra, Sankul; Gori, Saira - In: Journal of economic criminology 2 (2023), pp. 1-8

The shadows of a drug paddler may soon be invisible on the street corner as they have moved to online drug marketplaces called 'cryptomarkets'. The criminogenic attributes of drug trafficking on cryptomarkets have attracted organized crime groups (OCGs) to make use of technology to further its...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014517126


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The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime - In: LSE public policy review 3 (2023) 1, pp. 1-11

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10015053211


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This paper examines how firms in an emerging economy are affected by violence due to drug trafficking. Employing rich longitudinal plant-level data covering all of Mexico from 2005–2010, and using an instrumental variable strategy that exploits plausibly exogenous spatiotemporal variation in...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013170284


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Battiston, Giacomo; Daniele, Gianmarco; Le Moglie, Marco; … - 2022

We show that the War on Drugs launched by the Mexican President Felipe Calderón in 2007 pushed drug cartels into large-scale oil thefts. Municipalities that the presidential candidate’s party barely won at the local elections in 2007-2009 exhibit a larger increase in illegal oil taps over the...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10012801469


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Battisti, Michele; Bernardo, Giovanni; Lavezzi, Andrea Mario - In: Papers in regional science : the journal of the … 101 (2022) 3, pp. 659-683

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013280130


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García-Ramos, Aixa - 2022

Mexico has experienced a dramatic increase in violence during the last decade. This increase has been associated with turf wars among Drug Trafficking Organisations (DTOs) for the control of strategic territories. This paper examines whether these territorial disputes are higher during the lame...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013284976


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Mabasa, Christopher; Olutola, Adewale A.; Mofokeng, Jacob T. - 2022

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10012888137


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Barletta, Amelia; Capuano, Carlo; De Iudicibus, Alessandro - In: Games 13 (2022) 1, pp. 1-16

White Lists are lists of firms set up at each Italian prefecture. It is a relatively young instrument born as an experimental project designed to solve problems for particular conditions of crime and corruption in the Italian territory. This work aims to understand if the "White List" tool can...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013171854


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Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013174857


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This paper studies the origins and consequences of the Russian mafia (vory-v-zakone). I web scraped a unique dataset that contains detailed biographies of more than 5,000 mafia leaders operating in 15 countries of the (former) Soviet Union at some point between 1916 and 2017. Using this data, I...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013324311


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Baraldi, Anna Laura; Papagni, Erasmo; Stimolo, Marco - 2022

Organized crime reinforces its corrupting influence on politics through violent intimidation. Anti-crime measures that increase the cost of corruption but not of the exercise of violence might accordingly lead mafia-style organizations to retaliate by resorting to violence in lieu of bribery. On...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014079613


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Blattman, Christopher; Duncan, Gustavo; Lessing, Benjamin; … - 2022

As in many cities, gangs in Medellín provide order and collect 'taxes'. Why do gangs govern civilians? Some argue that criminal and state rule are substitutes. Hence, increasing state presence should crowd out gangs. But they could also be complements. States produce growth and general demand...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014081543


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Garriga, Ana Carolina; Phillips, Brian J. - 2022

How does organized crime affect foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries? Some research examines the effects of crime, such as homicide rates, on FDI. However, we know little about how organized crime in particular might affect such investment. This paper examines organized crime...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10014083098


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Llatja, Adela - In: Journal of illicit economies and development : JIED 4 (2022) 1, pp. 71-85

This paper used publicly available data, such as the analysis of 103 court cases to make a profile of those convicted for cannabis cultivation in Albania. There are multiple reports on drugs and organized crime in Albania which provide information on the seizures of illicit substances, law...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013431239


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Carbajal Glass, Fausto - In: Journal of illicit economies and development : JIED 4 (2022) 1, pp. 34-43

Based on a research in progress, the 'micro-geopolitics of organised crime' (MGPOC) framework examines how and why organised crime groups (OCGs) around the globe develop illicit economies associated to natural resources. The foundational premise underlying the MGPOC is that OCGs vie for...

Persistent link: https://ebtypo.dmz1.zbw/10013431321