How the pursuit of leisure drives internet use (original) (raw)
Briefing | A global timepass economy
Movies, not grain prices, are bringing the poor world online
THE CHIEF of Madhogarh, a picturesque village nestled beneath a 17th-century fortified palace in the heart of Rajasthan, came to Indra Sharma three years ago to ask if she would attend a workshop. “Something about the internet,” Ms Sharma, a 40-year-old child-care worker, recalls. She had no particular interest in this internet thing. But she liked the idea of learning something new, so she went along. She and a handful of women from nearby villages were all given a smartphone and some basic lessons in how to use it.
This article appeared in the Briefing section of the print edition under the headline “A global timepass economy”
From the June 8th 2019 edition
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