EmacsWiki: Mpthree Player (original) (raw)

Mp3player is a mpg321/ogg123 interface to gnu/emacs

Current version is 2.0.

IMPORTANT NOTE: mp3player will no more be updated as it is beeing replaced with EMMS.

But 2.0 is already very outdated, so please use cvs! The most times it’s very usable… ☺

It works on emacs on both unix and windows. Never tried it with xemacs. But we get reports complaining that mp3player does not work on xemacs. None of the developers uses xemacs, so if you use xemacs and are eager to contribute soemthing, please send us a mail or join #emacs.

It supports remote file playing, playlist, id3 edition and a scoring system.

Check the sources for documentation, until the real texinfo documentation become available.

The homepage is http://www.nongnu.org/mp3player/

A copy is also available in the ElispArea Lisp:mp3player.el - this version may not be up to date, check Savannah first.

How to use mp3player

(This are not the total documentation as i use the wiki to update it a little bit)

Put the following stuff in your ~/.emacs to get mp3player running:

(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/your/mp3player/files") (autoload 'mp3player-play-all "mp3player.el" "Start playing music" t)

I use mp3player-play-all as autoloaded function as most people probably just want to play all their music files randomly, although there are some other possible functions like mp3player-play-directory, mp3player-play-from-playlist and mp3player-play-all-files-from-url. You can also mark music files in a dired buffer and use dired-do-play-mp3 to play them.

Following release 2.0 there will be a new concept mainly by using a playlist buffer. Beware not to mix playlist buffer with the playlist. In the playlist buffer you can edit the playlist, but the internal playlist-variable will only be updated at some times in the process (mainly before deciding what to play next). Using dired becomes much more important as you can now alter the playlist by using mp3player-add-files-from-dired to insert files in the playlist after point.

There are some variables you definitely want to set. mp3player searches all subdirs from mp3player-path on for files to play. Accordingly to the size of your home directory that could take some time. So please set mp3player-path to the path where you collect your music files. Maybe you are using a older computer like me and changing tracks take two or three seconds, then you could change mp3player-get-tag-method to external. The default is to use just elisp code to get the tags and elisp isn’t the fastest language… To use external you will need mp3info and vorbiscomment (from the vorbis-tools package in Debian) Both packages should come with every Linux Distro i know. If you want to use another program, just mail use and we will (maybe ☺ add support for it. If your computer is fast like Jean-Philippe’s forget everything i said and enjoy the feeling that you just need Emacs!

If you want to play your files randomly you have to set mp3player-random-status to t or use mp3player-toggle-randomness. This function won’t save random status for the next session!).

Producing playlists is very easy. You just have to mark some files in a dired buffer and call mp3player-dired-save-marked-as-playlist. Mp3player will ask you for a name and save it under mp3player-playlists-directory, which defaults to “~/.emacs-mpg123/playlists”. Another way, which is especially usefull if you have already sorted your files, is mp3player-make-playlist-from-directory.

You can use the playlist buffer, which defaultes to Playlist, to modify the playlist or interfere with mp3player per mp3player-mode. There’s even a function for switching, mp3player-switch-to-playlist, that some people binds to a key by FIXME

As mp3player.el is just an interface, it won’t play your files without the help of external programs. We try to use elisp as much as possible, but i bet there will be no relative fast mp3 decoder in elisp (but if you want to code it i won’t put you back!). In the moment we use mpg321 and ogg123 for encoding mp3s and oggs. You will also need aumix to set the volume. You can find these programs under the below-mentioned adresses, althouhg most linux distros will have them.

mpg321 http://mpg321.sourceforge.net/ ogg123 http://www.vorbis.com/files/1.0/unix/ aumix http://jpj.net/~trevor/aumix.html

Beware! mpg123 is NOT free software, as the authot don’t allow redistribution of modified sources or binaries. As drop-in replacement you can use mpg321, which is free software and modelled after mpg123. So please don’t use it.

Windows user should download cygwin vorbis-tools in the Audio category from http://www.cygwin.com. Also, MPlayer from http://mpf.dzm.hu/download.php supports many audio formats, including webstreams via the mms:/ scheme.

In the moment it is not possible to edit comments of ogg vorbis files. But we will work on that definitively! Promised!

Some codes and ideas borrowed from mpg123.el by HIROSE Yuuji [yuuji@gentei.org] and from mp3-tools by Steve Kemp skx@tardis.ed.ac.uk Many Thanks to you Yuuji and Steve!!

This package was developed and tested under GNU/Linux - Suze 6.2 and Emacs 20.5.1. It was reported to work also under some version of Xemacs with some errors at compile time.

Developped while listening: Chara, the Butthole Surfers, Black Sabbath and a lot of Ska!

About the ElispArea

The files Lisp:mpthreeplayer.el and Lisp:mpthreeplayer-sco.el must be renamed respectively mp3player.el and mp3player-scores.el before use.

How to use scoring.

Save last position (for audiobook listening) snippet

I (RichardKlinda) use mpg123.el (version 1.42 OLD!!) to listen to audiobooks (otherwise I use XMMS), because it is very easy to configure in a way that is very comfortable. I’ve a wireless mouse, scrolling is forward / backward 5 sec, right click is pause/play, so I can lay down on my bed with my mouse and Palm, listening to and reading some literature. When I want to do something else I press pause and because XMMS is my regular music player mpg123 just waits for me in the background during the day, I can continue reading easily.

One minor annoyance is, when I am into for instance a sixteen-74-minutes-long-MP3s audiobook and at the initial startup of mpg123.el I always have to remember “where was I last time”? Not forgetting at the end of the day to switch to mpg123 buffer and write down the track / time position of the current MP3 is a mayor PITA. This snippet below will do that for you.

(defvar mpg123-state-file "~/.emacs-mpg123-state.el") (defvar mpg123*state nil)

(setq mpg123-state-file "~/.xemacs/mpg123-state.el")

(defun ign-mpg123-save-state () (when (and (get-buffer "mpg123") mpg123cur-music-file mpg123cur-playtime) (with-output-to-file mpg123-state-file (print (list 'setq 'mpg123state (cons 'list (list mpg123cur-music-file mpg123cur-playtime (mpg123:get-music-info mpg123cur-music-number 'name))))))))

(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'ign-mpg123-save-state)

(defun ign-mpg123-load-state () (interactive) (when (file-exists-p mpg123-state-file) (load mpg123-state-file) (let ((path (first mpg123state))) (when path (let ((dir (file-name-directory path)) (time-str (second mpg123state)) (title (third mpg123state)) (files nil)) (setq files (mpg123:mp3-files-in-dir dir)) (setq mpg123-default-dir dir) (mpg123:create-buffer files) (setq mpg123music-in-stack nil) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward title nil t) (mpg123-play) (mpg123-play) (mpg123:update-playtime time-str)))))))

(add-hook 'mpg123-hook 'ign-mpg123-load-state)
