EmacsWiki: Ms Outlook (original) (raw)

Fetch mail from Exchange server

Just install Davmail (http://davmail.sourceforge.net/). It’s a mail agent converting Exchange server into POP3 and IMAP server.

The only issue is that Davmail POP3 server MIGHT be better for Gnus. See http://blog.binchen.org/posts/how-to-get-email-from-exchange-server-without-outlook.html for the details. I got the issue only in one company. I cannot reproduce it in other companies. Anyway, you can test IMAP/POP3 in one min at the beginning. So it’s not a big deal.

Sometimes the default EWS url of server is modified. Then you need EWSEdtor (https://ewseditor.codeplex.com/) to find the url and set it up in Davmail

Now enjoy the world of Freedom.

BTW, you can use a mail classifying software Popfile (http://getpopfile.org/) to classify mails because Popfile support IMAP and POP3.

Use Emacs as the editor for Outlook

Basically you grab the text of an Outlook email/reply/forwarded message/etc., use Emacs to edit the reply or create a new message, and return the result to the Outlook editing window.

You might be interested in doing the reverse : use Outlook as the “mail server” for Emacs : MessageOutlook

You need some glue to move the message between Emacs and Outlook.

– can I do the same with Mozilla Mail ? http://globs.org/articles.php?lng=en&pg=2

Excorporate: Use Emacs to access Exchange Calendar

You can access your Exchange calendar directly from within Emacs using Excorporate. Learn more.

Excorporate is available in the GNU ELPA repository.

M-x list-packages

Using Excorporate with Office 365

If the automatic configuration fails, and you use Office 365, you may find success with these settings:

(setq excorporate-configuration '("user@domain.tld" . "https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx")))

If this works for you, and you would like to store your credentials in your .authinfo[.gpg] file, the entry needs to be formatted as:

machine outlook.office365.com:443 login user@domain.tld password secret

As of version 0.9.1 Excorporate requires the port to be attached to the domain, not appended as port 443.

NOTE: Excorporate does not work with accounts that have MFA enabled: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=50113

Windows script glue

If your machine has the windows script host installed which should be true for almost all versions currently in use (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/nhp/default.asp?contentid=28001169) then you can use the following script instead of python or tcl. It is merely a port from tcl to Windows script.

Drop a copy of outlookedit.el from http://wiki.tcl.tk/9198 or https://github.com/dholm/outlookedit into your load-path, add a (require ‘outlookedit) to your init file.

Save the following code with extension .wsf somewhere on your path and adjust the variables mno-get-outlook-body and mno-put-outlook-body – MartinStemplinger

This script gets a Message from an open Outlook window