EmacsWiki: Seweryn Kokot (original) (raw)
I’ve been using Emacs since 2006. I cannot imagine to live without it
I use Emacs for:
- programming languages: python, felt, matlab/octave, castem, elisp, LaTeX with Auctex
- PredictiveMode, CompletionUI
(require 'predictive) ;(autoload 'predictive-mode "predictive" "predictive" t) (set-default 'predictive-auto-add-to-dict t) (setq predictive-which-dict t) (setq predictive-main-dict 'rpg-dictionary) (setq predictive-add-to-dict-ask nil) (setq predictive-auto-learn t) (setq predictive-completion-speed 0.1) (setq predictive-auto-add-min-chars 4)
(setq predictive-auto-add-filter (lambda (word dict) (lookup-words word)))
(defun my-predictive-add-word-atpoint () (interactive) (predictive-add-to-dict rpg-dictionary (word-at-point)))
(defun my-predictive-remove-word-atpoint () "Add a word at point to the default predictive dict without asking." (interactive) (predictive-remove-from-dict rpg-dictionary (word-at-point)))
(defun my-predictive-add-words-batch () "Add words to the default predictive dict word after word. Make a list of words and run this function" (interactive) (while (not (eobp)) (my-predictive-add-word-atpoint) (message "Word %s added" (word-at-point)) (forward-word)))
- auto-complete, company-mode
- git-emacs
- dired mode
- ediff
- muse mode (my website)
- org mode (gtd)
- gnus